- A unique collection of letters and/or numbers that represent a stock.
- A practice of illegal and excessive trading to gain commission/profit in a customer’s account without considering their investment goals.
- Pools of investor capital for investing in stocks, bonds, and other financial assets.
- A type of stock market order that provides instruction to only execute at a certain price.
- In financial terms, the difference between an asset’s market value and the loan amount.
- The cost of delivering an underlying asset, financial derivative, or currency to the buyer of a forward contract at a predetermined date.
- When a trader can buy shares worth more than the funds available in his trading account.
- The number of shares being traded at any time.
- A market condition where stock prices are continually rising.
- This stock market order provides instruction to buy or sell as quickly as possible, at whatever price is currently available.
- The statistical measure of how much a stock moves up or down.
- A calculation to analyze data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set.
- An agent that allows traders to buy and sell stocks.
- The term refers to the global trading of currencies in a way similar to the way stocks are traded.
- This is when a company pays a portion of its earnings to its shareholders.
- A negotiable certificate evidencing indebtedness.