Law Theme

Law Theme 4 - Corporate Law

By: Dr. Nabil Chaiban

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  1. Any form of attempt to resolve a dispute before it is placed in the hands of the Courts.
  2. A type of claim issued by a minority shareholder, in the name of the company, in relation to a perceived or actual wrongdoing by the majority shareholders, often which has prejudiced the minority shareholder or has placed the company in a risky or bad position.
  3. Where a party has been forced, coerced or pressured into something against their will.
  4. An action where one party shares information with another party.
  5. A charge held by a lender over the entirety of a company, rather than singular assets.
  6. The sale of the assets only of a business, where the company will continue to exist after the sale.
  7. A term often used in relation to entering into contracts and means that you should enter into an agreement openly, honestly and with only the intention to complete the contract on the terms agreed, not with an ulterior motive or the intention to cause harm to the other party.
  8. A reference to the standing of a company with its customers and within the industry. This carries a value and forms one of the assets purchased as part of a company sale.
  9. Security or protection against a loss or burden, whether financial or an action.
  10. Research undertaken by one party of another, often during the initial stages of a proposed asset or share purchase, to provide further detail on the company’s operating procedures/structure and financial obligations.


  1. An event or proceeding which is out of a party’s hands and which prevents them from completing their part of a contract.
  2. A requirement that must be completed before a Contract is considered to be in effect.
  3. A commercial opportunity pursued jointly by two separate businesses.
  4. Duties owed mainly by directors, though shareholders can arguably be held to owe some duties, arising out of common law that are not specifically included within a particular statute.
  5. The owner of 50% or more of the shares in a company.
  6. The payment or payment in kind a company or individual may receive in exchange for providing a good or service.
  7. An entity which owns all the share capital of another company, sometimes known as a parent company.
  8. A set of terms found in a shareholders’ agreement, which enables the majority shareholder to force the minority shareholder(s) to joint into a share sale.