Terms Beginning With "n"

  1. NAHB
  2. naked
  3. naked call
  4. naked option
  5. naked position
  6. naked put
  7. naked trust
  8. named insured
  9. named peril
  10. named peril policy
  11. narrow economic moat
  12. narrow market
  13. narrow moat
  14. narrow moat stocks
  15. narrow money
  16. NASD
  17. NASDAQ
  18. NASDAQ Composite Index
  19. NASDAQ Small Cap Market
  20. national accounting
  21. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
  22. National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
  23. National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ)
  24. National Cargo Bureau
  25. national debt
  26. national economy
  27. national income
  28. national income accounting
  29. national list
  30. National Market System
  31. national revenue
  32. national strategy
  33. national treatment
  34. national wealth
  35. nationalization
  36. natural business year
  37. natural citizen
  38. natural economy
  39. natural interest rate
  40. natural language processing
  41. natural language understanding
  42. natural loss
  43. natural monopoly
  44. natural premium
  45. natural resources
  46. naturalization
  47. naturalized citizen
  48. nautical mile
  49. NAV
  50. navigation risk insurance
  51. navigation risks
  52. NDI
  53. NDP
  54. near cash
  55. near money
  56. near term
  57. nearby
  58. nearby month
  59. nearest month
  60. nearshore outsourcing
  61. nearshoring
  62. necessary absence
  63. necessary domicile
  64. negative amortization
  65. negative carry
  66. negative cash flow
  67. negative confirmation
  68. negative correlation
  69. negative easement
  70. negative goodwill
  71. negative leverage
  72. negative net worth
  73. negative pledge clause
  74. negative volume index
  75. negative working capital
  76. negative yield curve
  77. negotiable
  78. negotiable bill of lading
  79. negotiable certificates of deposit
  80. negotiable instrument
  81. negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
  82. negotiable securities
  83. negotiated commission
  84. negotiated deal market
  85. negotiated market
  86. negotiated market price
  87. negotiated price
  88. negotiated underwriting
  89. negotiating bank
  90. negotiation
  91. negotiation credit
  92. negotiation option
  93. neobank
  94. neo-bulk cargo
  95. neoclassical economics
  96. nest egg
  97. nesting
  98. net annuity cost
  99. net asset value (NAV)
  100. net asset value per share or unit
  101. net assets
  102. net book value
  103. net capital
  104. net capital productivity
  105. net cash flow
  106. net change
  107. net contribution
  108. net cost
  109. net current assets
  110. net domestic income
  111. net domestic product
  112. net earned premiums
  113. net earnings
  114. net estate
  115. net income
  116. net income per share
  117. net income to net worth ratio
  118. net interest margin
  119. net interest yield
  120. net investment
  121. net investment income
  122. net leasable area
  123. net lease contract
  124. net line
  125. net liquid assets
  126. net loss
  127. net margin
  128. net national product
  129. net national product at factor cost
  130. net operating income
  131. net operating loss
  132. net operating margin
  133. net operating profit (or loss)
  134. net operating profit after tax (NOPAT)
  135. net pay
  136. net premium
  137. net present value
  138. net present value method
  139. net price method
  140. net proceeds
  141. net profit
  142. net profit margin
  143. net purchases
  144. net quick assets
  145. net realizable value
  146. net realized capital gains per share
  147. net registered tonnage
  148. net retained line
  149. net sales
  150. net tangible assets per share
  151. net tonnage
  152. net weight
  153. net working capital
  154. net worth
  155. net written premiums
  156. net yield
  157. net-30
  158. net-profit-to-total-assets ratio
  159. netting
  160. network modelling
  161. neural network
  162. neurolinguistics
  163. New Deal
  164. new issue
  165. new issue market
  166. New York Futures Exchange
  167. New York Stock Exchange
  168. newsletter
  169. next day settlement
  170. next month
  171. next-in, first-out
  172. niche
  173. NIFO
  174. nifty fifty
  175. nihil dicit
  176. Nikkei Index
  177. nil
  178. nil debet
  179. Nitaqat Program
  180. NMS
  181. NNN
  182. no layoffs policy
  183. no market
  184. no par stock
  185. no par value common stock
  186. node
  187. NOI
  188. nolo contendere
  189. no-load fund
  190. no-load insurance
  191. nominal account
  192. nominal assets
  193. nominal capital
  194. nominal damages
  195. nominal effective exchange rate (NEER)
  196. nominal interest rate
  197. nominal quotation
  198. nominal rate
  199. nominal value
  200. nominal wages
  201. nominal yield
  202. nomination and remuneration committee
  203. Nomu Parallel Market
  204. non assumpsit
  205. non obstante
  206. non-assessable capital stock
  207. non-assignability
  208. non-callable
  209. non-callable bond
  210. non-callable preferred stock
  211. non-cancellable policy
  212. non-competitive bid
  213. non-concurrent insurance
  214. non-conforming loan
  215. non-containerized cargo
  216. non-contribution clause
  217. non-contributory pension scheme
  218. non-contributory plan
  219. non-contributory profit-sharing plan
  220. non-controllable cost
  221. non-controllable risks
  222. non-cumulative preferred stock
  223. non-cumulative revolving letter of credit
  224. non-cupative will
  225. non-current assets
  226. non-current liabilities
  227. non-delivery
  228. non-disclosure agreement
  229. non-discretionary account
  230. non-discretionary order
  231. non-diversifiable risk
  232. non-exclusive listing
  233. non-executive director
  234. non-expendable natural resources
  235. non-feasance
  236. non-financial assets
  237. non-forfeiture condition
  238. non-interest bearing
  239. non-interest bearing bond
  240. non-interest expense
  241. non-interest income
  242. non-interest spending
  243. non-intervention will
  244. non-judicial foreclosure
  245. non-ledger asset
  246. non-manufacturing expenses
  247. non-marine
  248. non-negotiable bill of lading
  249. non-negotiable certificate of deposit
  250. non-owned aircraft endorsement
  251. non-participative life insurance policy
  252. non-payment risk
  253. non-preferred dealers
  254. non-price competition
  255. non-profit accounting
  256. non-profit organization
  257. non-proportionate reinsurance
  258. non-public information
  259. non-purpose loan
  260. non-recourse debt
  261. non-renewable natural resources
  262. non-scheduled airline
  263. non-selection limit
  264. non-tariff barriers
  265. non-trade receivables
  266. non-voting stock
  267. non-waiver agreement
  268. no-penalty CD
  269. no-penalty certificate of deposit
  270. normal activity
  271. normal capacity
  272. normal distribution
  273. normal goods
  274. normal market size (NMS)
  275. normal operating cycle
  276. normal price
  277. normal profit
  278. normal retirement age
  279. normal retirement date
  280. normal stock method
  281. normal trading unit
  282. normal wear and tear
  283. normalized earnings
  284. normative economics
  285. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  286. north-south trade
  287. nostro account
  288. nota bene
  289. notarius
  290. notary
  291. notary public
  292. note payable
  293. note receivable
  294. note receivable discounting
  295. notes to financial statements
  296. not-for-profit organization
  297. not-held order
  298. notice
  299. notice of trial
  300. notice to quit
  301. notion of motion
  302. notional reinstatement value cover
  303. not-sufficient-funds check
  304. novation
  305. NOW
  306. NOW account
  307. NPV
  308. NPV method
  309. NSF check
  310. nudum pactum
  311. null hypothesis
  312. nulla bona
  313. number of days inventory is held
  314. numbers only quotation
  315. numerical weighting system
  316. NVI
  317. NYFE
  318. NYSE
  319. NYSE Arca Major Market Index