Terms Beginning With "a"

  1. a ce
  2. a coelo usque ad centrum
  3. a contrario sensu
  4. a fortiori
  5. a gratia
  6. a posteriori
  7. a priori
  8. a priori assumption
  9. a priori probability
  10. A rates
  11. a retro
  12. A round financing
  13. A1
  14. AAA
  15. AAD (Arab Accounting Dinar)
  16. AAII
  17. AAOIFI
  18. AAR
  19. ab agendo
  20. ab antcedente
  21. ab ante
  22. ab antiqua
  23. ab antiquo
  24. ab extra
  25. ab initio
  26. ab intestato
  27. ab invito
  28. ab irato
  29. ab olim
  30. A-B testing
  31. ABA
  32. abaction
  33. abactor
  34. abadengo
  35. abalienate
  36. abalienation
  37. abandon
  38. abandon rate
  39. abandoned property
  40. abandonee
  41. abandoner
  42. abandonment
  43. abandonment clause
  44. abandonment for torts
  45. abandonment notice
  46. abandonment option
  47. abandonment rate
  48. abandonment value
  49. abatable nuisance
  50. abate
  51. abatement
  52. abatement cost
  53. abatement of freehold
  54. abatement of nuisance
  55. abator
  56. abbreviate of adjudication
  57. abbroachment
  58. abbrochment
  59. ABC
  60. ABC agreement
  61. ABC analysis
  62. ABC classification
  63. ABC inventory classification
  64. ABC method
  65. ABC ranking
  66. abdication
  67. abduct
  68. abduction
  69. abductive reasoning
  70. Abenomics
  71. aberemurder
  72. aberrant
  73. aberration
  74. abet
  75. abettor
  76. abeyance
  77. abide
  78. abide and satisfy
  79. abiding conviction
  80. abiding faith
  81. Abilene Paradox
  82. ability to pay
  83. ability to repay
  84. abjuration
  85. able-bodied
  86. abnormal cost
  87. abnormal obsolescence
  88. abnormal rate of return
  89. abnormal return
  90. abnormal risk
  91. abortion
  92. abortive trial
  93. about
  94. above par
  95. above the fold
  96. above the market
  97. above water
  98. above-the-line
  99. abrasion of coin
  100. abridgement of damages
  101. abrogation
  102. abscond
  103. absence
  104. absente reo
  105. absentee
  106. absentee ballot
  107. absentee landlord
  108. absentee owner
  109. absenteeism
  110. absolute
  111. absolute acceptance
  112. absolute advantage
  113. absolute assignment
  114. absolute auction
  115. absolute beneficiary
  116. absolute cost advantage
  117. absolute endorsement
  118. absolute exclusions
  119. absolute frequency
  120. absolute immunity
  121. absolute interest
  122. absolute law
  123. absolute liability
  124. absolute majority
  125. absolute maximum loss
  126. absolute monarchy
  127. absolute monopoly
  128. absolute nullity
  129. absolute ownership policy
  130. absolute performance standard
  131. absolute priority rule
  132. absolute quotas
  133. absolute return
  134. absolute sale
  135. absolute scarcity
  136. absolute title
  137. absolute value
  138. absolute warranty of seaworthiness
  139. absolute water scarcity
  140. absolve
  141. absorb
  142. absorbed cost
  143. absorption
  144. absorption costing
  145. absorption rate
  146. absque hoc
  147. abstain
  148. abstainers insurance
  149. abstention
  150. abstention doctrine
  151. abstract
  152. abstract of accounts
  153. abstract of judgment
  154. abstract of patent
  155. abstract of record
  156. abstract of title
  157. abstraction
  158. abstraction of funds
  159. Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
  160. Abu Dhabi Interbank Offered Rate (ADIBOR)
  161. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA)
  162. Abu Dhabi Investment Council (ADIC)
  163. Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange (ADX) General Index
  164. abundance index
  165. abuse of discretion
  166. abuse of process
  167. abusive tax shelter
  168. abut
  169. abutting coverage
  170. accelerable guarantee
  171. accelerated amortization
  172. accelerated benefits
  173. Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS)
  174. accelerated critical illness
  175. accelerated death benefits
  176. accelerated depreciation
  177. accelerated option
  178. accelerated payout
  179. acceleration
  180. acceleration clause
  181. acceleration life insurance policy
  182. acceleration of maturity
  183. acceleration principle
  184. accelerative endowment policy
  185. accelerator
  186. accelerator coefficient
  187. accelerator principle
  188. accelerator theory
  189. accelerator-multiplier model
  190. accelerators
  191. acceptance
  192. acceptance commission
  193. acceptance credit
  194. acceptance financing
  195. acceptance for honor
  196. acceptance letter of credit
  197. acceptance of service
  198. acceptance option
  199. acceptance sampling
  200. acceptance supra protest
  201. acceptance test
  202. acceptance under reserve
  203. accepted bill of exchange
  204. accepted draft
  205. acceptilatio litteris
  206. acceptilatio verbis
  207. accepting bank
  208. accepting house
  209. acceptor
  210. access
  211. access code
  212. access right
  213. accessible tourism
  214. accessio
  215. accession
  216. accessions
  217. accessorial charges
  218. accessorial services
  219. accessory
  220. accessory after th efact
  221. accessory after the fact
  222. accessory before the fact
  223. accessory claims
  224. accessory during the fact
  225. accident
  226. accident and health insurance
  227. accident and sickness insurance
  228. accident experience
  229. accident frequency
  230. accident insurance
  231. accident only insurance
  232. accident rate
  233. accident reconstructionist
  234. accident report
  235. accident severity
  236. accident year experience
  237. accidental bodily injury
  238. accidental death and dismemberment benefit
  239. accidental death benefit clause
  240. accidental death clause
  241. accidental loss of life benefit
  242. accidental means
  243. accommodation
  244. accommodation acceptance
  245. accommodation bill
  246. accommodation business
  247. accommodation endorsement
  248. accommodation endorser
  249. accommodation indorsement
  250. accommodation indorser
  251. accommodation ladder
  252. accommodation line
  253. accommodation note
  254. accommodation paper
  255. accommodation party
  256. accommodation trading
  257. accommodative monetary policy
  258. accomplice
  259. accomplished bill of lading
  260. accord
  261. accord and satisfaction
  262. account
  263. account activity
  264. account analysis
  265. account balance
  266. account day
  267. account executive
  268. account form
  269. account history
  270. account hold
  271. account in trust
  272. account information service provider (AISP)
  273. account inquiry
  274. account monitoring order
  275. account party
  276. account reconcilement
  277. account stated
  278. account statement
  279. accountability
  280. accountability report
  281. accountable leadership
  282. accountancy
  283. accountant
  284. accountant in charge
  285. accountant's letter
  286. accountant's opinion
  287. accountant's professional liability insurance
  288. accounting
  289. Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
  290. accounting basic assumptions
  291. accounting basis
  292. accounting change
  293. accounting concepts
  294. accounting controls
  295. accounting conventions
  296. accounting cycle
  297. accounting entity
  298. accounting entity assumption
  299. accounting equation
  300. accounting event
  301. accounting evidence
  302. accounting exposure
  303. accounting information system (AIS)
  304. accounting manual
  305. accounting measurement
  306. accounting method
  307. accounting model
  308. accounting objectives
  309. accounting period
  310. accounting policies
  311. accounting postulates
  312. accounting practice
  313. accounting price
  314. accounting principles
  315. Accounting Principles Board
  316. accounting procedures
  317. accounting rate of return
  318. accounting ratio
  319. accounting records
  320. accounting report
  321. accounting risk
  322. accounting society
  323. accounting software
  324. accounting standards
  325. accounting statement
  326. accounting system
  327. accounting value
  328. accounting year
  329. accounts payable
  330. accounts payable aging
  331. accounts payable ledger
  332. accounts receivable
  333. accounts receivable aging
  334. accounts receivable discounted
  335. accounts receivable financing
  336. accounts receivable insurance
  337. accounts receivable ledger
  338. accounts receivable turnover
  339. accounts uncollectible
  340. accreditation
  341. accredited investor
  342. accreted value
  343. accretion
  344. accrual accounting
  345. accrual basis of accounting
  346. accrual bond
  347. accrual method of accounting
  348. accrual of discount
  349. accrual tranche
  350. accruals
  351. accrued assets
  352. accrued benefits
  353. accrued depreciation
  354. accrued expenses
  355. accrued income
  356. accrued interest
  357. accrued liabilities
  358. accrued market discount
  359. accrued revenue
  360. accrued rights premium
  361. accrued taxes
  362. accumulate
  363. accumulated assets
  364. accumulated benefit obligation (ABO)
  365. accumulated depletion
  366. accumulated depreciation
  367. accumulated dividend
  368. accumulated earnings
  369. accumulated earnings tax
  370. accumulated funding deficiency
  371. accumulated income
  372. accumulated profit tax
  373. accumulation
  374. accumulation area
  375. accumulation bond
  376. accumulation factor
  377. accumulation period
  378. accumulation phase
  379. accumulation units
  380. accumulative judgment
  381. accusation
  382. accused
  383. ACH
  384. acid rain
  385. acid test ratio
  386. ACII
  387. acknowledgment
  388. ACP
  389. acquiescence
  390. acquired advantage theory
  391. acquired needs theory
  392. acquirer
  393. acquiring bank
  394. acquisition
  395. acquisition accounting
  396. acquisition cost
  397. acquisition date
  398. acquisition expenses
  399. acquit
  400. acquittal
  401. acquittal in fact
  402. acquittal in law
  403. acquittance
  404. acquittance pro tanto
  405. acre
  406. acreage
  407. acronym
  408. acrophobia
  409. across the board movement
  410. across the board tariff reductions
  411. across-the-board
  412. ACRS
  413. act
  414. act liability only policy
  415. act of bankruptcy
  416. act of God
  417. acta publica
  418. acting in concert
  419. actio
  420. actio ad exhibendum
  421. actio aestimatoria
  422. actio bonae fidei
  423. actio calumniae
  424. actio civilis
  425. actio communi dividundo
  426. actio condictio indebitati
  427. actio conducti
  428. actio contrario
  429. actio criminalis
  430. actio damni injuria
  431. actio de dolo malo
  432. actio de pecunia constituta
  433. actio empti
  434. actio ex delicto
  435. actio ex stipulatu
  436. actio excontractu
  437. actio familiae erciscundae
  438. actio finium regundorum
  439. actio furti
  440. actio honoraria
  441. actio in personam
  442. actio in rem
  443. actio locatio
  444. actio mandati
  445. actio mandati contraria
  446. actio mandati directa
  447. actio perpetua
  448. actio personalis
  449. actio prosocio
  450. actio realis
  451. actio venditi
  452. action
  453. action by bastard
  454. action ex contractu
  455. action ex delicto
  456. action for accounting
  457. action for avoidance
  458. action for possession
  459. action in assumpsit
  460. action plan
  461. action to quiet title
  462. actionable
  463. actionable intelligence
  464. actionable negligence
  465. active account
  466. active assets
  467. active bond crowd
  468. active box
  469. active income
  470. active investor
  471. active labor market policies
  472. active management
  473. active market
  474. active money
  475. active partner
  476. active securities
  477. active tourism
  478. active trading
  479. active underwriter
  480. activist policy
  481. activity
  482. activity accounting
  483. activity analysis
  484. activity charge
  485. activity method of depreciation
  486. activity ratios
  487. activity-based costing
  488. actrix
  489. actual agency
  490. actual authority
  491. actual cash value
  492. actual cash value clause
  493. actual constraints
  494. actual controversy
  495. actual cost
  496. actual damages
  497. actual deaths
  498. actual liabilities
  499. actual loss
  500. actual market
  501. actual notice
  502. actual pay
  503. actual rate swap
  504. actual total loss
  505. actual total loss clause
  506. actual value
  507. actualization
  508. actuals
  509. actuarial
  510. actuarial basis of accounting
  511. actuarial cost method
  512. actuarial evaluation
  513. actuarial funding method
  514. actuarial risk
  515. actuarial science
  516. actuary
  517. actum
  518. actus
  519. ACV form
  520. ACV form-hull
  521. ad auction
  522. ad blocker
  523. ad click
  524. ad curiam
  525. ad diem
  526. ad exchange
  527. ad finem
  528. ad hoc
  529. ad hoc committee
  530. ad idem
  531. ad impression
  532. ad infinitum
  533. ad interim
  534. ad libitum
  535. ad litem
  536. ad network
  537. ad personam
  538. ad platform
  539. ad rank
  540. ad rectum
  541. ad referendum
  542. ad rem
  543. ad saturation
  544. ad seriatim
  545. ad valorem
  546. ad valorem tariff
  547. ad valorem tax
  548. ad verbum
  549. ad vitam
  550. adaptation
  551. adaptive-expectations of inflation
  552. ADB
  553. added value
  554. added-value tax
  555. addendum
  556. addition law
  557. addition rule of probability
  558. additional benefit
  559. additional death benefit clause
  560. additional duty
  561. additional expenses-strikes
  562. additional expenses-war risks
  563. additional insurance
  564. additional insured
  565. additional mark-down
  566. additional mark-on
  567. additional markup
  568. additional paid-in capital
  569. additional perils
  570. additional premium
  571. additional premium-reinsurance
  572. additional principal payment
  573. additional term insurance option
  574. additional voluntary contribution
  575. additions and improvements
  576. add-on
  577. add-on interest
  578. add-on service
  579. address
  580. adeem
  581. ademption
  582. adequacy of coverage
  583. adequate disclosure
  584. adequate remedy
  585. ADF
  586. adhesion contract
  587. ADIBOR
  588. adjective law
  589. adjoining rooms
  590. adjudication
  591. adjudication by contribution
  592. adjudication in implement
  593. adjudication of bankruptcy
  594. adjunct
  595. adjunct account
  596. adjunction
  597. adjustable interest rate
  598. adjustable life insurance
  599. adjustable peg
  600. adjustable premium
  601. adjustable rate loan
  602. adjustable rate mortgage
  603. adjustable rate preferred stock
  604. adjusted basis
  605. adjusted book value
  606. adjusted cost basis
  607. adjusted debit balance
  608. adjusted gross estate
  609. adjusted gross income
  610. adjusted tax basis
  611. adjusted trial balance
  612. adjuster
  613. adjuster's notes
  614. adjusting journal entry
  615. adjustment
  616. adjustment bonds
  617. adjustment bureau
  618. adjustment date
  619. adjustment mechanisms
  620. adjustment policies
  621. administered price
  622. administration
  623. administration and finance cost center
  624. administration bond
  625. administrative accounting
  626. administrative budget
  627. administrative control
  628. administrative decentralization
  629. administrative expenses
  630. administrative hearing
  631. administrative law
  632. administrative law judge
  633. administrative systems
  634. administrative tribunal
  635. administrator
  636. administratrix
  637. admiralty
  638. admiralty court
  639. admiralty law
  640. admissible evidence
  641. admission
  642. admission of evidence
  643. admission of guilt
  644. Admission Temporaire
  645. admission to bail
  646. admitted assets
  647. admitted insurance company
  648. admitted insurer
  649. ADR
  650. ADS
  651. advance
  652. advance against collection
  653. advance freight
  654. advance funded pension plan
  655. advance import deposits
  656. advance loss of profit insurance
  657. advance notice
  658. advance payment
  659. advance payment bond
  660. advance payment guarantee
  661. advance payment sales (bai-salam)
  662. advance premium
  663. advance profit insurance
  664. advance refunding
  665. advance shipping arrangements
  666. advance-decline indexes
  667. advance-decline line
  668. advancement
  669. adventure
  670. adventure capitalist
  671. adversary
  672. adverse
  673. adverse balance of trade
  674. adverse credit
  675. adverse interest
  676. adverse opinion
  677. adverse party
  678. adverse possession
  679. adverse selection
  680. adverse witness
  681. adversus
  682. advertisement
  683. advertisers liability insurance
  684. advertising
  685. advertising agency
  686. advertising expense
  687. advertising sales ratio
  688. advertorial
  689. advice
  690. advised credit
  691. advising bank
  692. advisor
  693. advisory account
  694. advisory fees
  695. advisory letter
  696. advisory opinion
  697. advocacy advertising
  698. advocatus
  699. AEA
  700. AFA
  701. AFDB
  702. affiant
  703. affidavit
  704. affidavit of claim
  705. affidavit of domicile
  706. affiliate
  707. affiliate marketing
  708. affiliate publisher
  709. affiliated chain
  710. affiliated companies clause
  711. affiliated company
  712. affiliated person
  713. affiliated retailer
  714. affiliated wholesaler
  715. affinity audience
  716. affinity content
  717. affinity sales
  718. affirmative action
  719. affirmative defense
  720. affirmative easement
  721. affirmative obligations
  722. affix
  723. affordability analysis
  724. affordability index
  725. affreightment
  726. affreightment contract
  727. AFL-CIO
  728. afloat
  729. AfMF
  730. Aframax tanker
  732. Africa Enterprise Fund
  733. Africa Timber Organization
  734. African Development Bank
  735. African Development Foundation
  736. African Development Fund
  737. African Export-Import Bank
  738. African Groundnut Council
  739. African Management Services Company
  740. African Monetary Fund
  741. African Regional Organization for Standardization
  742. African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
  743. AFTA
  744. after arrival
  745. after date
  746. after sales service
  747. after sight
  748. after tax
  749. after-acquired clause
  750. after-acquired collateral
  751. after-acquired property
  752. after-acquired title
  753. after-discovered evidence
  754. after-hours dealing
  755. after-hours trading
  756. aftermarket
  757. after-tax contributions
  758. after-tax profit
  759. after-tax real rate of return
  760. after-tax-yield
  761. AG (Aktiengesellschaft)
  762. against all risks
  763. against the box
  764. age
  765. age admitted
  766. age attained
  767. age discrimination
  768. age of consent
  769. age of high mass consumption
  770. age of majority
  771. aged fail
  772. agency
  773. agency agreement
  774. agency bank
  775. agency by estoppel
  776. agency company
  777. agency del credere
  778. Agency for International Development (USAID)
  779. agency inspector
  780. agency securities
  781. agenda
  782. agent
  783. agent ad litem
  784. agent bank
  785. agent for acceptance of service
  786. agflation
  787. agglomeration
  788. agglomeration diseconomies
  789. aggravated assault
  790. aggravated risk
  791. aggregate
  792. aggregate annual deductible
  793. aggregate concentration
  794. aggregate corporation
  795. aggregate demand
  796. aggregate demand curve
  797. aggregate demand schedule
  798. aggregate excess of loss reinsurance
  799. aggregate exercise price
  800. aggregate expenditure
  801. aggregate income
  802. aggregate limit of indemnity
  803. aggregate mortality table
  804. aggregate stop loss reinsurance
  805. aggregate supply
  806. aggregate supply curve
  807. aggregate supply schedule
  808. aggregated rebate
  809. aggregated shipments
  810. aggregation of orders
  811. aggregative index
  812. aggregator
  813. aggressive growth mutual fund
  814. aggressive investment strategy
  815. aggressive investor
  816. AGI
  817. aging of accounts payable
  818. aging of accounts receivable
  819. aging schedule
  820. agio
  821. agrarian reform
  822. agreed statement
  823. agreed value policy
  824. agreement
  825. agreement among underwriters
  826. Agreement on Agriculture
  827. Agreement on Government Procurement
  828. Agreement on Implementon of Article VI of GATT 1994
  829. Agreement on Implementon of Article VII of GATT 1994
  830. Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
  831. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection (PSI)
  832. Agreement on Rules of Origin
  833. Agreement on Safeguards
  834. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
  835. Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC)
  836. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
  837. Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
  838. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
  839. Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)
  840. agribusiness
  841. agricultural bank
  842. agricultural development bank
  843. agricultural development fund
  844. AI
  845. AIB
  846. AICPA
  847. aid and abet
  848. AIMU
  849. air bill
  850. air cargo
  851. air cargo clauses
  852. Air Cushion Vehicle Form
  853. Air Cushion Vehicle Form-Hull
  854. air express
  855. air freight
  856. air pipe
  857. air pocket stock
  858. air rights
  859. air sendings
  860. Aircraft Agreement
  861. aircraft hull insurance
  862. aircraft or aerial devices
  863. aircraft passenger insurance
  864. airdrop
  865. airliner
  866. airport owners and operators insurance
  867. airway bill
  868. Airworthiness tariff suspension
  869. AIS
  870. Aksjeselskap
  871. Aktiebolaget
  872. Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
  873. Aktieselskabet
  874. ALCO
  875. aleatory
  876. aleatory contract
  877. alert
  878. algo
  879. algorithm
  880. algorithmic method
  881. algorithmic trading
  882. alias
  883. alibi
  884. alien company
  885. alien enemy
  886. alienable
  887. alienation
  888. alienation clause
  889. alimony
  890. aliquot
  891. aliunde
  892. All Ordinaries Index
  893. all other perils
  894. all peril insurance
  895. all rights reserved
  896. all risk policy
  897. all risks
  898. all time high (ATH)
  899. allegation
  900. allied company
  901. allied lines
  902. allied member
  903. allocation
  904. allocation methods
  905. allocation of capital
  906. allocation of funds
  907. allocation of resources
  908. allocation of surplus
  909. allocative efficiency
  910. allodial system
  911. allonge
  912. all-or-any-part order
  913. all-or-none offering
  914. all-or-none order
  915. all-other-things-equal
  916. allotment
  917. allottee
  918. allowance
  919. allowance for bad debts
  920. allowance for depreciation
  921. allowance for doubtful accounts
  922. allowance for uncollectibles
  923. all-purpose financial statement
  924. alluvion
  925. alongside
  926. alpha
  927. alpha coefficient
  928. alpha risk
  929. alpha stocks
  930. alphabet brokers
  931. alphanumeric characters
  932. alt season
  933. altcoins
  934. alter ego
  935. alter ego doctrine
  936. alteration of the port of departure
  937. alternate account
  938. alternate demand
  939. alternative
  940. alternative cost
  941. alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
  942. alternative financing
  943. alternative hypothesis
  944. alternative investment
  945. alternative investment market
  946. alternative markets
  947. alternative minimum tax
  948. alternative order
  949. alternative payee
  950. alternative pleading
  951. alternative remittance system
  952. alternative risk premia strategy
  953. alternative tariff
  954. alternative voting
  955. AMA
  956. amalgamation
  957. amass
  958. Amazon effect
  959. Amazon Loans
  960. Amazon Local Register
  961. Amazon Payment
  962. Amazon Wallet
  963. Amazonian Cooperation Treaty
  964. AMBAC
  965. ambassador
  966. AMBest Rating
  967. ambiguity
  968. ambulatory will
  969. ambush marketing
  970. amended complaint
  971. amended pleading
  972. amended return
  973. amended running down clause
  974. amendment
  975. amendment policy
  976. American Arbitration Association
  977. American Association of Individual Investors
  978. American Bankers Association
  979. American Bar Association
  980. American Bureau of Shipping
  981. American Customer Satisfaction Index
  982. American depositary receipt
  983. American Depositary Share
  984. American Economics Association
  985. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
  986. American Finance Association
  987. American hull form
  988. American Institute of Banking
  989. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  990. American Institute of Marine Underwriters
  991. American Management Association
  992. American Municipal Bonds Assurance Corporation (AMBAC)
  993. American National Standards Institute
  994. American Option
  995. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
  996. American Statistical Association
  997. American Stock Exchange
  998. American Stock Exchange Market Value Index
  999. American-style option
  1000. AMEX
  1001. AMF
  1002. amicable settlement
  1003. amicus curiae
  1004. amidships
  1005. AML-CFT
  1006. amnesty
  1007. amortization
  1008. amortization of premium
  1009. amortization schedule
  1010. amortization term
  1011. amortized loan
  1012. amount
  1013. amount at risk
  1014. amount of one
  1015. amount realized
  1016. AMT
  1017. AMU
  1018. analysis
  1019. analysis of variance procedure
  1020. analyst
  1021. analytical review
  1022. analytics
  1023. anarchism
  1024. anchor tenant
  1025. anchorage
  1026. ancillary
  1027. ancillary administration
  1028. ancillary income
  1029. ancillary jurisdiction
  1030. ancillary revenue
  1031. and arrival
  1032. and interest bond
  1033. Andean Group
  1034. Andean Reserve Fund
  1035. Android Pay
  1036. angel
  1037. angel bond
  1038. angel fund
  1039. angel investor
  1040. angel round
  1041. Annecy Round
  1042. Anno Domini (A.D.)
  1043. Anno Hegirae (A.H.)
  1044. announcement date
  1045. annual aggregate limit
  1046. annual annuity contract fee
  1047. annual audit
  1048. annual basis
  1049. annual budget
  1050. annual cap
  1051. annual closing
  1052. annual debt service
  1053. annual earnings
  1054. annual exclusions
  1055. annual general assembly
  1056. annual meeting
  1057. annual mortgage constant
  1058. annual mortgagor statement
  1059. annual percentage rate
  1060. annual premium annuity
  1061. annual premium method
  1062. annual profit
  1063. annual report
  1064. annual return
  1065. annual statement
  1066. annualizing
  1067. annuitant
  1068. annuitization
  1069. annuitization phase
  1070. annuity
  1071. annuity accumulation period
  1072. annuity accumulation phase
  1073. annuity administrative charges
  1074. annuity beneficiary
  1075. annuity bond
  1076. annuity certain
  1077. annuity contract
  1078. annuity contract owner
  1079. annuity cost
  1080. annuity date
  1081. annuity death benefits
  1082. annuity due
  1083. annuity insurance charges
  1084. annuity issuer
  1085. annuity method of depreciation
  1086. annuity payment option
  1087. annuity payments
  1088. annuity prospectus
  1089. annuity purchase rate
  1090. annul
  1091. annulment
  1092. ANOVA procedure
  1093. ANSI
  1094. ante
  1095. Ante Meridiem (A.M.)
  1096. antedate
  1097. antenuptial (prenuptial) agreement
  1098. anti monopoly policy
  1099. Antiboycott Legislation
  1100. anticipated holding period
  1101. anticipation
  1102. anticipation note
  1103. anticipatory breach
  1104. anti-competitive practice
  1105. antidilution clause
  1106. antidilution provision
  1107. antidumping
  1108. antidumping agreement
  1109. Anti-Dumping Code
  1110. antidumping duty
  1111. antidumping petition
  1112. anti-money laundering (AML)
  1113. anti-selection
  1114. antitrust laws
  1115. Anton Piller order
  1116. any-and-all bid
  1117. apparent agency
  1118. apparent agent
  1119. apparent authority
  1120. appeal
  1121. appeal bond
  1122. appeals committee
  1123. appearance
  1124. appellant
  1125. appellate court
  1126. appellee
  1127. Apple ID
  1128. Apple Pay
  1129. application for listing
  1130. application of funds statement
  1131. application programmer
  1132. application programming interface (API)
  1133. application software
  1134. applied cost
  1135. applied economics
  1136. appointment
  1137. apportionable annuity
  1138. apportionment
  1139. apportionment of valuation
  1140. appraisal
  1141. appraisal capital
  1142. appraisal clause
  1143. appraisal cost
  1144. appraisal method of depreciation
  1145. appraisal rights
  1146. appraiser
  1147. appreciation
  1148. apprehensive period
  1149. apprenticeship
  1150. approach
  1151. approach the bench
  1152. approach the witness
  1153. appropriated retained earnings
  1154. appropriation
  1155. approved exporter
  1156. approved list
  1157. appurtenance
  1158. appurtenant
  1159. appurtenant covenant
  1160. appurtenant easement
  1161. APR
  1162. apron
  1163. APT
  1164. aquacultural insurance
  1165. Arab Accounting Dinar (AAD)
  1166. Arab Bank for Economic Developmentin Africa
  1167. Arab Common Market
  1168. Arab Cooperation Council
  1169. Arab Economic Unity Agreement
  1170. Arab Economic Unity Council
  1171. Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
  1172. Arab League
  1173. Arab Maghreb Union
  1174. Arab Monetary Fund
  1175. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
  1176. Arab Planning Institute
  1177. Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard Co. (ASRY)
  1178. Arab Society for Certified Accountants
  1179. Arab Society for Certified Public Accountants
  1180. Arab Trade Financing Program
  1181. arbiter
  1182. arbitrage
  1183. arbitrage bond
  1184. arbitrage house
  1185. arbitrage pricing theory
  1186. arbitrageur
  1187. arbitrariness
  1188. arbitrary
  1189. arbitrary origin
  1190. arbitrary value
  1191. arbitration
  1192. arbitration agreement
  1193. arbitration award
  1194. arbitration clause
  1195. arbitration panel
  1196. arbitrator
  1197. arc elasticity
  1198. ardency
  1199. arguendo
  1200. argumentative
  1201. ARI
  1202. arithmetic mean
  1203. arithmetic progression
  1204. ARM
  1205. Arm’s Index
  1206. Arm's Index
  1207. arm's length transaction
  1208. Arms Short-Term Trading Index
  1209. ARPS
  1210. ARR
  1211. arraign
  1212. arraignment
  1213. arranged total loss
  1214. arranging
  1215. arrearage
  1216. arrears
  1217. arrest
  1218. arrest of vessel
  1219. arrest warrant
  1220. arrival notice
  1221. arrived damaged value
  1222. arrived sound value
  1223. ARSO
  1224. arson
  1225. article
  1226. articles of association
  1227. articles of impeachment
  1228. articles of incorporation
  1229. articles of partnership
  1230. artificial currency
  1231. artificial intelligence
  1232. artificial neural network
  1233. as expiry
  1234. as is
  1235. as is-where is
  1236. ASA
  1237. ascending bottoms
  1238. ascending tops
  1239. ascending triangle
  1240. ASCII
  1241. ASE
  1242. ASE Index
  1243. ASEAN
  1244. ASEAN Free Trade Area
  1245. A-share variable annuity
  1246. Asia currencies
  1247. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
  1248. Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering
  1249. Asian and Pacific Coconut Community
  1250. Asian Clearing Union
  1251. Asian Development Bank
  1252. Asian Development Fund
  1253. Asian Monetary Unit
  1254. Asian option
  1255. Asian Productivity Organization
  1256. ask
  1257. ask size
  1258. asked price
  1259. asking price
  1260. assault
  1261. assault and battery
  1262. assembly line
  1263. assembly plant
  1264. assess
  1265. assessed value
  1266. assessment
  1267. assessment bond
  1268. assessment insurance
  1269. assessment insurance policy
  1270. assessment ratio
  1271. assessment roll
  1272. assessment year
  1273. assessor
  1274. asset
  1275. asset accumulation
  1276. asset acquisition
  1277. asset allocation
  1278. asset allocation mutual fund
  1279. asset card
  1280. asset classes
  1281. asset classification
  1282. asset conversion loan
  1283. asset coverage
  1284. asset depreciation range
  1285. asset financing
  1286. asset management
  1287. asset management account
  1288. asset manager
  1289. asset play
  1290. asset protection
  1291. asset protection trust
  1292. asset stripping
  1293. asset swap
  1294. asset turnover
  1295. asset-backed commercial paper
  1296. asset-backed debt instrument
  1297. asset-backed securities
  1298. asset-based finance
  1299. asset-based lending
  1300. asset-equity ratio
  1301. asset-liability committee
  1302. asset-liability management
  1303. asset-liability management committee
  1304. asset-linked recourse debt instrument
  1305. assets
  1306. assets under management (AUM)
  1307. assign
  1308. assigned risk
  1309. assignee
  1310. assignment
  1311. assignment clause
  1312. assignment of accounts receivable
  1313. assignment of insurable interest
  1314. assignment of interest
  1315. assignment of letter of credit
  1316. assignment of policy
  1317. assignment of rents
  1318. assignment to the benefit of creditors
  1319. assignor
  1320. assimilation of issue
  1321. associate
  1322. associate justice
  1323. associate member
  1324. Associate of The Chartered Insurance Institute
  1325. associated company
  1326. association
  1327. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  1328. assumable mortgage
  1329. assumed bonds
  1330. assumed interest rate
  1331. assumed origin
  1332. assuming arguendo
  1333. assuming company
  1334. assumpsit
  1335. assumption
  1336. assumption fee
  1337. assumption of mortgage
  1338. assumption of risk
  1339. assured
  1340. at a discount
  1341. at a premium
  1342. at best
  1343. at par
  1344. at risk
  1345. at sight
  1346. ATA Carnet
  1347. ATFP
  1348. ATM
  1349. ATO
  1350. atomic risks
  1351. atomistic competition
  1352. ATS account
  1353. attached
  1354. attachment
  1355. attachment date
  1356. attachment slip
  1357. attempt
  1358. attendance fees
  1359. attest
  1360. attestation
  1361. attestation clause
  1362. at-the-bell
  1363. at-the-close order
  1364. at-the-market order
  1365. at-the-money
  1366. at-the-opening order
  1367. attorney
  1368. attorney at law
  1369. attorney general
  1370. attorney of record
  1371. attorney professional liability insurance
  1372. attorney-client privilege
  1373. attorney-in-fact
  1374. attorney's fee
  1375. attornment
  1376. attractive nuisance
  1377. attrition
  1378. attrition rate
  1379. auction
  1380. auction exchange
  1381. auction market
  1382. auction-rate preferred stock
  1383. audit
  1384. Audit Bureau
  1385. audit committee
  1386. audit cycle
  1387. audit guide
  1388. audit report
  1389. auditing procedures
  1390. auditing standards
  1391. auditor
  1392. auditor's certificate
  1393. auditor's opinion
  1394. auditor's qualified opinion
  1395. auditor's report
  1396. auditor's unqualified opinion
  1397. augmented reality
  1398. austerity
  1399. Austrian School of Economics
  1400. autarky
  1401. Autex
  1402. authentication
  1403. authoritarian
  1404. authority
  1405. authorize
  1406. authorized capital
  1407. authorized capital shares
  1408. authorized capital stock
  1409. authorized person
  1410. Authorized Persons Regulations
  1411. autocorrelation
  1412. autocratic management style
  1413. Automated Bond System
  1414. automated clearinghouse
  1415. automated compliance
  1416. Automated Order Entry System
  1417. automated stock trading
  1418. automated teller machine
  1419. automatic cover clause
  1420. automatic coverage
  1421. automatic fiscal stabilizers
  1422. automatic investment plan
  1423. automatic nonproportional reinsurance
  1424. automatic premium loan provision
  1425. automatic proportional reinsurance
  1426. automatic reinstatement
  1427. automatic reinstatement clause
  1428. automatic reinsurance
  1429. automatic reinvestment plan
  1430. automatic retirement age
  1431. automatic termination of cover clause
  1432. automatic transfer service account
  1433. automatic withdrawal
  1434. automation
  1435. autonomous consumption
  1436. autonomous investments
  1437. autonomous vehicle
  1438. autonomy
  1439. AUTOPER
  1440. availability
  1441. available assets
  1442. available freight tonne kilometer
  1443. aval
  1444. average
  1445. average adjuster
  1446. average age of inventory
  1447. average agent
  1448. average bond
  1449. average collection period
  1450. average cost
  1451. average cost method
  1452. average cost pricing
  1453. average daily rate (ADR)
  1454. average daily volume
  1455. average disbursement clauses
  1456. average disbursements
  1457. average down
  1458. average equity
  1459. average fixed cost
  1460. Average Freight Rate Assessment (AFRA)
  1461. average inventory
  1462. average irrespective of percentage
  1463. average life
  1464. average propensity to consume
  1465. average propensity to import
  1466. average propensity to save
  1467. average rate
  1468. average rate index (ARI)
  1469. average rate of return
  1470. average revenue
  1471. average room rate (ARR)
  1472. average statement
  1473. average tax rate
  1474. average up
  1475. averages
  1476. averment of notice
  1477. aviation hull insurance
  1478. aviation insurance
  1479. avoidable cost
  1480. avoidance of tax
  1481. award
  1482. awareness raising
  1483. away from the market
  1484. awkaf, awqaf
  1485. axioms of probability