Terms Beginning With "i"

  1. IAEA
  2. ibid (ibidem)
  3. IBOR
  4. ibra – release or relinquishment
  5. ibra’ – release or relinquishment
  6. IBRD
  7. ICA
  8. ICANN
  9. ICAO
  10. ICC
  11. ice breaker
  12. ice deviation clause
  13. ice exclusion clause
  14. ice hazards
  15. iceberg order
  16. ICSID
  17. IDA
  18. ideal capacity
  19. identity theft
  20. idle capacity
  21. idle capacity variance
  22. idle funds
  23. idle lands
  24. idle money
  25. idle time
  26. IFAD
  27. IFC
  28. ijara (leasing)
  29. ijara mawsufa fi al-dhimmah (forward lease contract)
  30. ijara muntahia bittamlik (leasing purchase)
  31. ijara wa iqtina (leasing purchase)
  32. illegal dividend
  33. illiquid
  34. illiquid assets
  35. illiquid market
  36. ILO
  37. image advertising
  38. imbalance of orders
  39. IMF
  40. immediate annuity
  41. immediate notice
  42. immediate participation guarantee contract
  43. immediate payment annuity
  44. immediate run
  45. immediate vesting
  46. immediate-or-cancel order
  47. immoral contract
  48. immovables
  49. immunity
  50. immunization
  51. IMO
  52. impact investing
  53. impact statement
  54. impaired capital
  55. impaired credit
  56. impaired risks
  57. impairment
  58. impeachment
  59. imperfect competition
  60. imperfect hedge
  61. imperfect market
  62. imperialism
  63. imperilled
  64. implicit assumpsit
  65. implicit cost
  66. implied
  67. implied acceptance
  68. implied acquittal
  69. implied agency
  70. implied assumpsit
  71. implied condition
  72. implied contract
  73. implied easement
  74. implied value
  75. implied value per share
  76. implied waiver
  77. implied warranty
  78. import
  79. import credit
  80. import deposit
  81. import duty
  82. import levy
  83. import license
  84. import quota
  85. import restrictions
  86. import substitution
  87. import tariffs
  88. importer
  89. imports
  90. impossible contract
  91. impound
  92. imprest fund
  93. imputed cost
  94. imputed intention
  95. imputed interest
  96. imputed knowledge
  97. imputed negligence
  98. imputed notice
  99. imputed value
  100. in ballast
  101. in bond
  102. in camera
  103. in common
  104. in kind
  105. in lieu of
  106. inactive account
  107. inactive assets
  108. inactive bond
  109. inactive bond crowd
  110. inactive market
  111. inactive money
  112. inactive securities
  113. inactive stock
  114. inadequate damages
  115. inalienable
  116. in-and-out trading
  117. inbound marketing
  118. incapacity
  119. incentive
  120. incentive fee
  121. incentive pay
  122. incentive stock option
  123. incentive wage plan
  124. inception date
  125. Inchmaree clause
  126. inchoate
  127. incidence of taxation
  128. incidental damages
  129. income
  130. income account
  131. income and expense statement
  132. income and substitution effect
  133. income approach
  134. income beneficiary
  135. income benefit
  136. income bond
  137. income coverage
  138. income date
  139. income distribution
  140. income effect
  141. income fund
  142. income group
  143. income in kind
  144. income measure of national income
  145. income per head
  146. income per share
  147. income policy
  148. income property
  149. income realization
  150. income redistribution
  151. income replacement ratio
  152. income risk
  153. income shares
  154. income smoothing
  155. income splitting
  156. income statement
  157. income stock
  158. income stream
  159. income substitution effect
  160. income summary
  161. income tax
  162. income tax allowance
  163. income tax relief
  164. income tax return
  165. incoming clean collection
  166. incoming collection
  167. incoming documentary collection
  168. incompetence
  169. incontestability clause
  170. incorporate
  171. incorporeal chattels
  172. Incoterms
  173. increasing bonus
  174. increasing claim payments
  175. increasing life insurance
  176. increasing returns
  177. incremental analysis
  178. incremental cost
  179. incremental cost of capital
  180. incubator
  181. incumbent
  182. incumbrance
  183. incurred loss ratio
  184. incurred losses
  185. indemnify
  186. indemnitee
  187. indemnitor
  188. indemnity
  189. indemnity bond
  190. indemnity period
  191. indenture
  192. independent accountant
  193. independent agent
  194. independent audit
  195. independent auditor
  196. independent broker
  197. independent contractor
  198. independent director
  199. independent equity research
  200. independent events
  201. independent financial advisor
  202. independent fund director
  203. independent goods
  204. independent legal advisor
  205. independent liability method
  206. independent range
  207. independent risk unit
  208. independent samples
  209. independent variable
  210. independently-quoted company
  211. index
  212. index arbitrage
  213. index bond
  214. index fund
  215. index futures contract
  216. index lease
  217. index number
  218. index of industrial production
  219. index option
  220. indexation
  221. indexed annuity
  222. indexed bond
  223. indexed life insurance
  224. indexed loan
  225. indexing
  226. indicated dividend
  227. indicated mineral resources
  228. indicated yield
  229. indicator
  230. indifference analysis
  231. indifference curve
  232. indifference map
  233. indifference schedule
  234. indirect convertibles
  235. indirect cost
  236. indirect damage
  237. indirect elections
  238. indirect exchange rate
  239. indirect intercompany indebtedness
  240. indirect labor
  241. indirect liability
  242. indirect manufacturing expenses
  243. indirect materials
  244. indirect offset
  245. indirect selling
  246. indirect tax
  247. indisputability clause
  248. individual account
  249. individual life assurance
  250. individual proprietorship
  251. indivisibility of premiums
  252. indorsement
  253. induced consumption
  254. induced investments
  255. inducement
  256. inductive method
  257. industrial automation
  258. industrial bank
  259. industrial bond
  260. industrial capacity
  261. industrial development bond
  262. industrial development fund
  263. industrial engineer
  264. industrial espionage
  265. industrial estate
  266. industrial fire insurance
  267. industrial goods
  268. industrial insurance
  269. industrial integration
  270. industrial life insurance
  271. industrial park
  272. industrial production
  273. industrial psychology
  274. industrial relations
  275. industrial revenue bond
  276. industrialist
  277. industry ratios
  278. industry standard
  279. inefficiency of the market
  280. inefficient portfolio
  281. inevitable accident
  282. inevitable loss
  283. infant industry argument
  284. inferential statistics
  285. inferior goods
  286. inferred mineral resources
  287. inflation
  288. inflation accounting
  289. inflation factor
  290. inflation hawk
  291. inflation hedge investment
  292. inflation rate
  293. inflation risk
  294. inflationary gap
  295. inflationary spiral
  296. inflection point
  297. inflexible expenses
  298. infomediary
  299. inforgraphic
  300. informal value transfer system (IVTS)
  301. information memorandum
  302. informational management roles
  303. informational resources
  304. infrastructure
  305. infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
  306. infringement
  307. inherent defect insurance
  308. inheritance
  309. inheritance tax
  310. in-house
  311. in-house trading
  312. initial
  313. initial cash outlay
  314. initial coin offering (ICO)
  315. initial margin requirement
  316. initial premium
  317. initial public offering (IPO)
  318. initiative
  319. injunction
  320. inland bill of lading
  321. inland carrier
  322. inland marine
  323. inland marine insurance
  324. innovation
  325. innovation hub
  326. innovation incubator
  327. in-patient
  328. in-play stock
  329. input-output analysis
  330. inputs
  331. inquiry
  332. inscrutable fault
  333. in-service training
  334. inside day
  335. inside directors
  336. inside information
  337. inside market
  338. inside quote
  339. inside spread
  340. inside staff
  341. insider
  342. insider buying
  343. insider report
  344. insider selling
  345. insider trading
  346. insolvency
  347. insolvent
  348. insourcing
  349. inspection
  350. inspector
  351. installment
  352. installment bond
  353. installment credit
  354. installment delivery
  355. installment refund annuity
  356. installment sale
  357. installment sales method
  358. instant credit
  359. institutional banking
  360. institutional broker
  361. institutional brokerage
  362. institutional economics
  363. institutional favorites
  364. institutional financing
  365. institutional investors
  366. institutional lending
  367. institutional pot
  368. institutions offering Islamic financial services (IIFS)
  369. instrument
  370. insurability
  371. insurable interest
  372. insurable property
  373. insurable risk
  374. insurable value
  375. insurance
  376. insurance agent
  377. insurance and reinsurance company
  378. insurance broker
  379. insurance carrier
  380. insurance certificate
  381. insurance claim
  382. insurance company
  383. insurance contract
  384. insurance coverage
  385. insurance cycle
  386. insurance document
  387. insurance policy
  388. insurance premium
  389. insurance protection
  390. insurance rate
  391. insurance reserves
  392. insurance risk
  393. insurance settlement
  394. Insurance Society of New York
  395. insurance technology (InsurTech)
  396. insurance underwriter
  397. insure
  398. insured
  399. insured account
  400. insured against
  401. insured bond
  402. insured peril
  403. insured value
  404. insurer
  405. insurer’s interest
  406. InsurTech (insurance technology)
  407. intangible assets
  408. intangible value
  409. integrated cargo service
  410. integrated carriers
  411. integration
  412. intellectual property
  413. intellectual property rights
  414. intelligence quotient
  415. intentional self-injury
  416. inter alia
  417. Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation (IAIGC)
  418. Interbank Offered Rate (IBOR)
  419. intercommodity spread
  420. intercompany indebtedness
  421. inter-dealer market
  422. interdelivery spread
  423. interest
  424. interest clause
  425. interest coverage
  426. interest expense
  427. interest on investment
  428. interest rate
  429. interest rate cap
  430. interest rate ceiling
  431. interest rate floor
  432. interest rate option
  433. interest rate risk
  434. interest rate swap
  435. interest-only loan
  436. interest-rate futures contract
  437. interest-sensitive insurance policy
  438. interest-sensitive stock
  439. interim
  440. interim audit
  441. interim bonus
  442. interim dividend
  443. interim financial statement
  444. interim financing
  445. interim loan
  446. interim report
  447. interlisting
  448. interlocking directorates
  449. interlocutory decree
  450. intermarket spread
  451. intermarket trading
  452. intermediaries clause
  453. intermediary
  454. intermediary consumption
  455. intermediary financial institution
  456. intermediate bond
  457. intermediate broker
  458. intermediate goods
  459. intermediate term
  460. intermediation
  461. intermittent easement
  462. intermittent production
  463. intermodal freight
  464. intermodal shipping
  465. intermodal transportation
  466. internal audit
  467. internal auditor
  468. internal control
  469. internal economies of scale
  470. internal expansion
  471. internal failure costs
  472. internal financing
  473. internal growth rate
  474. internal model (Takaful)
  475. internal rate of return (IRR)
  476. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  477. international arbitration
  478. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  479. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  480. International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes
  481. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  482. International Civil Aviation Organization
  483. International Court of Arbitration
  484. International Development Association
  485. International Finance Corporation
  486. International Fund for Agricultural Development
  487. International Labor Organization
  488. International Maritime Organization
  489. international market index
  490. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  491. International Money Laundering Abatment and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act
  492. international mutual fund
  493. International Organization for Standardization
  494. International Police Organization (Interpol)
  495. International Standards Organization
  496. International Telecommunications Union
  497. international trade
  498. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
  499. internet marketing
  500. internet mutual fund
  501. internet of skills
  502. internet of things (IoT)
  503. internet service provider (ISP)
  504. interoperable finance dashboard
  505. interpellation
  506. interpersonal management roles
  507. interquartile range
  508. interruption hazard
  509. interruption of voyage
  510. intersection of events A and B
  511. interstate commerce
  512. interval estimate
  513. interview
  514. in-the-money call
  515. in-the-money put
  516. intra vires
  517. intracommodity spread
  518. intraday
  519. intrastate commerce
  520. intrastate offering
  521. intrinsic value
  522. intruder alarm
  523. invalidity benefit
  524. inventoriable cost
  525. inventory
  526. inventory classification
  527. inventory control
  528. inventory financing
  529. inventory method of depreciation
  530. inventory observation
  531. inventory profit
  532. inventory reserve
  533. inventory risk
  534. inventory turnover
  535. inventory valuation
  536. inverse head and shoulders pattern
  537. inverse of arithmetic mean
  538. inverted market
  539. inverted scale issue
  540. inverted yield curve
  541. investee company
  542. investment
  543. investment advisor
  544. investment analyst
  545. investment bank
  546. investment banker
  547. investment banking group
  548. investment banking industry
  549. investment banking syndicate
  550. investment book of records
  551. investment center
  552. investment club
  553. investment company
  554. investment counsel
  555. investment demand curve
  556. investment demand schedule
  557. investment flows
  558. investment fund
  559. investment fund manager
  560. investment grade bond
  561. investment holding period
  562. investment horizon analysis
  563. investment insurance
  564. investment letter
  565. investment multiplier
  566. investment opportunity curve
  567. investment placement
  568. investment portfolio
  569. investment promotion
  570. investment risk reserve (IRR)
  571. investment risks
  572. Investment Services Directive (ISD)
  573. investment trust
  574. investment turnover
  575. investor profiling
  576. invisible balance
  577. invisible exports
  578. invisible hand
  579. invisible imports
  580. invisible trade
  581. invisible web
  582. invisibles
  583. invitation to tender
  584. invoice
  585. involuntary bailment
  586. involuntary bankruptcy
  587. involuntary conversion
  588. involuntary conveyance
  589. involuntary lien
  590. involuntary liquidation
  591. involuntary saving
  592. involuntary unemployment
  593. inward charges
  594. IOU certificate
  595. IPO
  596. IRR
  597. irredeemable bond
  598. irredeemable gilts
  599. irregular coupon
  600. irreparable damages
  601. irrevocable
  602. irrevocable beneficiary
  603. irrevocable confirmed letter of credit
  604. irrevocable letter of credit
  605. irrevocable trust
  606. irrevocable unconfirmed letter of credit
  607. IRS
  608. ISD
  609. Islamic bank
  610. Islamic collective investment scheme (ICIS)
  611. Islamic insurance (takaful)
  612. Islamic Sharia
  613. Islamic window
  614. ISO
  615. isocost line
  616. iso-product curve
  617. isoquant
  618. ISP
  619. issue
  620. issue date
  621. issued capital
  622. issued capital stock
  623. issuer
  624. issuing bank
  625. istisna'a (progressive financing)
  626. istisna'a muwazi (parallel istisna’a)
  627. itemized deductions
  628. iterative algorithm
  629. ITU