Terms Beginning With "s"

  1. S&P 500
  2. S&P Phenomenon
  3. sabotage
  4. sacrifice
  5. safe
  6. safe harbor
  7. safe port
  8. safeguarding financial instruments
  9. safely landed
  10. safety deposit box
  11. safety margin
  12. safety needs
  13. safety stock
  14. sagging
  15. SAGIA
  16. SAIBOR
  17. sailing warranty
  18. sakk
  19. salable
  20. salam (advance payment sales)
  21. salary
  22. salary scale
  23. sale
  24. sale and buyback
  25. sale and leaseback
  26. sale of vessel clause
  27. sale terms
  28. sales
  29. sales allowances
  30. sales charge
  31. sales contract
  32. sales department
  33. sales discount
  34. sales erosion
  35. sales fee
  36. sales force
  37. sales forecasting
  38. sales journal
  39. sales lead
  40. sales ledger
  41. sales load
  42. sales mix
  43. sales promotion
  44. sales returns and allowances
  45. sales tax
  46. salvage
  47. salvage and recovery clause
  48. salvage charges
  49. salvage corps
  50. salvage guarantee
  51. salvage tug
  52. salvage value
  53. salved property
  54. salvor
  55. salvor’s lien
  56. SAMA
  57. same-store sales
  58. sample
  59. sample correlation coefficient
  60. sample distribution
  61. sample mean
  62. sample points
  63. sample space
  64. sample standard deviation
  65. sample statistic
  66. sample variance
  67. sampling
  68. sampling error
  69. sampling with replacement
  70. sampling without replacement
  71. samurai bond
  72. sanctions
  73. sandbox
  74. SASO
  75. satellite operation
  76. satisfaction of debt document
  77. Satoshi (Sat)
  78. Satoshi Nakamoto
  79. saturated market
  80. saturation
  81. saturday night special
  82. Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030 (Vision 2030)
  83. Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA)
  84. Saudi Arabian Interbank Offered Rate (SAIBOR)
  85. Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA)
  86. Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH)
  87. Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA)
  88. Saudi Payments Network (SPAN)
  89. Saudi Ports Authority
  90. Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)
  91. save harmless clause
  92. saving
  93. saving human life
  94. savings account
  95. savings and loan association
  96. savings bank
  97. savings bonds
  98. savings deposits
  99. savings element
  100. savings institution
  101. savings rate
  102. Say's law of markets
  103. scalability
  104. scale
  105. scale economies
  106. scale of feet
  107. scale of preferences
  108. scale of rates
  109. scale order
  110. scarce currency
  111. scarcity
  112. scarcity rent
  113. scarcity value
  114. scatter diagram
  115. scenario
  116. schedule policy
  117. schedule rating
  118. scheme charges
  119. Schengen Treaty
  120. school fees insurance
  121. scienter
  122. scientific amortization method
  123. scortched earth policy
  124. scrap value
  125. screening
  126. screening interview
  127. screening model
  128. scrip
  129. scrip dividends
  130. scrip issue
  131. scripophily
  132. scupper
  133. scuttling
  134. SDRs
  135. sealed-bid auction
  136. search engine
  137. search engine optimization
  138. search engine results page (SERP)
  139. searcher
  140. seasonal dating
  141. seasonal risk
  142. seasonal unemployment
  143. seasonality
  144. seasoned securities
  145. seat
  146. Seawaymax
  147. seaworthiness
  148. seaworthiness admitted clause
  149. SEC
  150. second death insurance
  151. second loss insurance
  152. second mortgage
  153. second preferred stock
  154. second price auction
  155. second quartile
  156. second round ballot
  157. second surplus reinsurance
  158. secondary beneficiary
  159. secondary boycott
  160. secondary distribution
  161. secondary industry
  162. secondary market
  163. secondary mortgage market
  164. secondary offering
  165. secondary research
  166. second-to-die insurance
  167. secret ballot
  168. secret rebate
  169. secret reserves
  170. sector
  171. sector fund
  172. sector rotation
  173. secular stagnation
  174. secured
  175. secured bonds
  176. secured creditor
  177. secured debt
  178. secured loan
  179. secured obligations
  180. securities
  181. securities analysis
  182. Securities and Exchange Commission
  183. securities bond
  184. securities business
  185. securities exchange
  186. securities financing transactions
  187. securities fraud
  188. securities loan
  189. securities underwriter
  190. securitization of insurance risk
  191. securitized assets
  192. security
  193. security delisting
  194. security listing
  195. security loan
  196. sediments and water
  197. seed and grow strategy
  198. seed capital
  199. seed financing
  200. seed money
  201. seek a market
  202. segment
  203. segmentation
  204. seigniorage
  205. seizure
  206. self fulfilling prophecy
  207. self regulatory organization (SRO)
  208. self retention
  209. self-actualization needs
  210. self-directed retirement account
  211. self-financing
  212. self-insurance
  213. self-insured
  214. self-sufficiency
  215. self-supporting bond
  216. sell order
  217. sell plus
  218. sell side analyst
  219. sell stop order
  220. sell the book
  221. seller concentration
  222. seller’s interest
  223. seller's bank
  224. seller's market
  225. seller's points
  226. selling concession
  227. selling flat
  228. selling group
  229. selling hedge
  230. selling off-plan
  231. selling price clause
  232. selling short
  233. selling short against the box
  234. selling syndicate
  235. selling the spread
  236. sell-off
  237. sell-out market
  238. semiannual
  239. semi-skilled labor
  240. semivariable cost
  241. senior
  242. senior debt
  243. senior executives
  244. senior refunding
  245. senior security
  246. sensitive market
  247. sensitivity
  248. sensitivity analysis
  249. sentence
  250. sentiment
  251. SEO
  252. separation of assets and liabilities
  253. sequester cuts
  254. sequestration
  255. serial bonds
  256. serial correlation
  257. server space provider
  258. service
  259. service (product) departmentalization
  260. service contract
  261. service departmentalization
  262. service fee
  263. service level agreement
  264. service mark
  265. service of process
  266. service sector
  267. serviceable addressable market
  268. serviceable obtainable market
  269. session
  270. settle
  271. settlement
  272. settlement agent
  273. settlement calendar
  274. settlement costs
  275. settlement date
  276. settlement risk
  277. severable contract
  278. several actions
  279. several inheritance
  280. several liability
  281. severance pay
  282. shadow economy
  283. shadow price
  284. shaft tunnel
  285. shakeout
  286. shale oil and gas
  287. share
  288. share appreciation mortgage
  289. share repurchase plan
  290. shared economy
  291. shared-equal allocation method
  292. shareholder
  293. shareholder of record
  294. shareholders’ circular
  295. shareholders’ equity
  296. shareholders’ surplus
  297. shareowner
  298. shares authorized
  299. shares outstanding
  300. shares turnover ratio
  301. Shari’a or Shari’ah
  302. Shari’ah advisory firm
  303. Shari’ah compliance
  304. Shari’ah compliant REIT
  305. Shari’ah compliant securitization
  306. Shari’ah non-compliance risk
  307. Shari’ah principles
  308. Shari’ah supervisory board
  309. sharing economy
  310. shelf life
  311. shelf offering
  312. shelf registration
  313. shelf velocity
  314. shell bank
  315. shell company
  316. ship
  317. ship planning
  318. ship’s log
  319. ship’s markings
  320. ship’s name
  321. ship’s official number
  322. ship’s papers
  323. Shipbrokers
  324. shipbuilding codes
  325. shipment
  326. shipowner
  327. shipper
  328. shipper's load and count
  329. shipper's order bill of loading
  330. shipping insurance
  331. shipping order
  332. shipyard
  333. shogun bond
  334. shopping cart
  335. short
  336. short account
  337. short against the box
  338. short bond
  339. short coupon
  340. short form report
  341. short hedge
  342. short interest
  343. short interest ratio
  344. short interest theory
  345. short position
  346. short rate
  347. short sale
  348. short sell order
  349. short seller
  350. short selling
  351. short straddle
  352. short subprime debt
  353. short term
  354. short term insurance
  355. short term rate
  356. short ton
  357. shortage
  358. shortage costs
  359. short-dated gilts
  360. shortfall
  361. shorting against the box
  362. short-run
  363. short-run average cost
  364. shorts
  365. short-term bond
  366. short-term debt
  367. short-term disability
  368. short-term financing
  369. short-term gain (or loss)
  370. short-term holding period
  371. short-term investment
  372. shrinkage
  373. shut down price
  374. siamese shares
  375. SIBOR
  376. sick building syndrome
  377. sickness insurance
  378. sideways market
  379. sideways price movement
  380. sight bill of exchange
  381. sight draft
  382. sight payment option
  383. sighting the bottom
  384. signature loan
  385. significant order
  386. silent partner
  387. simple average
  388. simple interest
  389. simple linear regression
  390. simple majority
  391. simple moving average
  392. simple random sampling
  393. simple rate of return
  394. simple reversionary bonus
  395. simple risk
  396. simple yield
  397. simplex method
  398. simulation
  399. simultaneous payments clause
  400. sin tax
  401. Singapore Interbank Offered Rate
  402. single bank holding company
  403. single buoy mooring
  404. single entry bookkeeping
  405. single liability
  406. single option
  407. single payment loan
  408. single person company (SPC)
  409. single premium
  410. single premium method
  411. single-life annuity
  412. single-premium deferred annuity
  413. single-premium life insurance
  414. single-use plan
  415. sinking fund
  416. sitelet
  417. situation analysis
  418. six sigma (6σ)
  419. Sixty-Five Stock Average
  420. skeleton case
  421. skewness
  422. skilled labor
  423. skimming
  424. sleeper
  425. sliding peg
  426. small and medium enterprises
  427. small caps
  428. small order execution system (SOES)
  429. smart card
  430. smart contract
  431. SMEs
  432. smoke damage
  433. smurfing
  434. smurfs
  435. social accounting
  436. social audit
  437. social benefits
  438. social capital
  439. social class
  440. social cost
  441. social economics
  442. social impact
  443. social insurance
  444. social investment
  445. social involvement
  446. social lending
  447. social needs
  448. social net product
  449. social obligation
  450. social obstruction
  451. social overhead capital
  452. social performance
  453. social reaction
  454. social reform
  455. social responsibility
  456. social security
  457. social worker
  458. socialism
  459. socially responsible investing
  460. sociology
  461. sociotechnical theory of management
  462. SOCPA
  463. SOES
  464. soft Brexit
  465. soft commission
  466. soft commodities
  467. soft currency
  468. soft dollar agreement
  469. soft dollars
  470. soft goods
  471. soft landing
  472. soft loan
  473. soft market
  474. soft money
  475. soft skills
  476. softs
  477. software
  478. sole proprietorship
  479. solicitor
  480. solution space
  481. solvency
  482. solvency margin
  483. solvency ratio
  484. solvent
  485. SOMA
  486. sonic bangs
  487. sophisticated investor
  488. sovereign bond
  489. sovereign ceiling
  490. sovereign debt
  491. sovereign immunity
  492. sovereign order
  493. sovereign wealth fund
  494. space arbitrage
  495. SPAN
  496. special acceptance
  497. special agency
  498. special bailment
  499. special bonus
  500. special bracket firm
  501. special damages
  502. special dating
  503. special demurrer
  504. special drawing rights (SDRs)
  505. special endorsement
  506. special journals
  507. special memorandum account
  508. special multi-peril insurance policy
  509. special peril
  510. special power of attorney
  511. special purpose company (vehicle or entity)
  512. specialist
  513. specialist firm
  514. specialization
  515. specialized fund
  516. special-purpose bond
  517. special-purpose financial statement
  518. specialty fund
  519. specialty shop
  520. specific identification method
  521. specific jurisdiction
  522. specified lease contract
  523. specified pool
  524. speculation
  525. speculative damages
  526. speculative motive
  527. speculative risk
  528. speculator
  529. spinoff
  530. split
  531. split annuity
  532. split deductible
  533. split deposits
  534. split life insurance
  535. split risk
  536. split-fee
  537. split-off
  538. split-off point
  539. spoofing
  540. spot commodity
  541. spot exchange market
  542. spot exchange rate
  543. spot market
  544. spot month
  545. spot price
  546. spot trading
  547. spot transactions
  548. spotting
  549. spread
  550. spread load contractual plan
  551. spread loss reinsurance
  552. spreader clause
  553. spreading the risk
  554. sprinkler insurance
  555. sprinkling trust
  556. squeeze-out
  557. stabilization
  558. stabilization period
  559. stable deposits
  560. stagflation
  561. staggered board of directors
  562. staggering maturities
  563. stagnation
  564. stamped security
  565. Standard & Poor's 500
  566. standard cost
  567. standard costing
  568. standard deviation
  569. standard error
  570. standard normal distribution
  571. standard of deferred payment
  572. standard of living
  573. standard premium
  574. standard rate
  575. standby commitment
  576. standby letter of credit
  577. standby underwriter
  578. standby underwriting
  579. standing charges
  580. standing order
  581. standing plan
  582. stapled shares
  583. starboard
  584. start of day
  585. stated capital
  586. stated value
  587. statement
  588. statement of account
  589. statement of cash flows
  590. statement of condition
  591. statement of financial position
  592. statement of retained earnings
  593. statement of stockholders' equity
  594. static budget
  595. statistic
  596. statistically significant
  597. statistics
  598. statutory declaration
  599. statutory liability
  600. statutory merger
  601. statutory notice
  602. statutory notice before forfeiture
  603. statutory prospectus
  604. statutory reserve
  605. statutory voting
  606. stem-and-leaf diagram
  607. step variable costs
  608. step-down lease
  609. stepped coupon bond
  610. step-up bond
  611. step-up coupon bond
  612. step-up lease
  613. stevedore
  614. stock
  615. stock appreciation rights
  616. stock away
  617. stock broker
  618. stock buyback
  619. stock certificate
  620. stock declaration policy
  621. stock dividend
  622. stock exchange
  623. stock fund
  624. stock index
  625. stock index arbitrage
  626. stock index futures
  627. stock indices and averages
  628. stock insurance company
  629. stock ledger
  630. stock life insurance company
  631. stock liquidity ratio
  632. stock market
  633. stock option
  634. stock option plan
  635. stock outstanding
  636. stock power
  637. stock purchase plan
  638. stock split
  639. stock subscription
  640. stock symbol
  641. stock warrant
  642. stockholder
  643. stockholder of record
  644. stockholders’ equity
  645. stockout costs
  646. stockpile
  647. stop and reverse
  648. stop buy order
  649. stop limit order
  650. stop loss order
  651. stop payment order
  652. storage of cargo
  653. storage yard
  654. store of value
  655. storm insurance
  656. straddle
  657. straddle carrier
  658. straight bill of lading
  659. straight deductible insurance
  660. straight life annuity
  661. straight life insurance
  662. straight line method of depreciation
  663. straight line rule
  664. strand
  665. strap
  666. strategic management
  667. strategic objectives
  668. strategic planning
  669. strategic plans
  670. strategy
  671. street works bond
  672. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis
  673. stress
  674. stress causes
  675. stress interview
  676. stress management
  677. strict liability
  678. strike price
  679. strike spread
  680. strip
  681. stripping
  682. strong currency
  683. structural unemployment
  684. structured finance
  685. stuffing
  686. stuffing a container
  687. subjective probability method
  688. sublease
  689. submajor firms
  690. submarine signaling
  691. submersible rig
  692. submission agreement
  693. suboptimal solution
  694. suboptimization
  695. subordinated debt
  696. subpoena
  697. subprime collapse
  698. subprime crisis
  699. subprime loan
  700. subprime meltdown
  701. subprime mortgage crisis
  702. subscription
  703. subscription market
  704. subscription right
  705. subscription warrant
  706. subsidiary
  707. subsidiary account
  708. subsidiary bank
  709. subsidiary company
  710. subsidiary ledger
  711. subsidy
  712. substainable development
  713. substandard
  714. substandard risk
  715. substantial damages
  716. substantial shareholder
  717. substantive immunity
  718. substantive law
  719. substitute goods
  720. substitutes
  721. successful efforts accounting
  722. succession planning
  723. Suezmax
  724. sufferance bond
  725. sufferance wharf
  726. suicide clause
  727. sukuk
  728. sukuk securitization
  729. sum insured
  730. sum rule
  731. summary financial statements
  732. sum-of-the-parts valuation method
  733. sum-of-the-years digits method of depreciation
  734. sunk cost
  735. super designated order turnaround
  736. Super DOT
  737. super negotiable order of withdrawal account
  738. super NOW account
  739. super profit commission
  740. superintendent
  741. supermajority
  742. supermarket
  743. super-senior debt
  744. supertanker
  745. supervisory analyst
  746. supervisory authority
  747. supplementary accident insurance
  748. supplementary goods
  749. supply
  750. supply chain
  751. supply curve
  752. supply elasticity
  753. supply price
  754. supply shock
  755. support level
  756. supra protest acceptance
  757. supramajority
  758. supreme order
  759. surplus
  760. surrender
  761. surrender charges
  762. surrender fees
  763. surrender value
  764. surtax
  765. survival certificate
  766. surviving company
  767. survivor benefit
  768. survivorship account
  769. survivorship annuity
  770. survivorship insurance
  771. suspended trading
  772. suspense account
  773. suspicious activity reporting (SAR)
  774. suspicious transaction
  775. suspicious transaction reporting (STR)
  776. sustainability
  777. sustainable building
  778. sustainable city
  779. sustainable development
  780. sustainable development goals
  781. sustainable finance
  782. sustainable investing
  783. sustainable resources
  784. sustainable responsible business
  785. swap
  786. swap option
  787. swap trade
  788. swaption
  789. swing loan
  790. switch arrangements
  791. switch deals
  792. switch trade
  793. SWOT analysis
  794. syndicate
  795. syndicate contract
  796. syndicated loan
  797. system
  798. system of check
  799. System Open Market Account (SOMA)
  800. systematic investment plan
  801. systematic risks
  802. systemic risks
  803. systems theory of management