Terms Beginning With "d"

  1. D/A
  2. D/P
  3. DAF
  4. daily
  5. daily average turnover
  6. daily high
  7. daily index
  8. daily low
  9. daily trading limit
  10. daisy chain
  11. damage
  12. damage by other cargo
  13. damage claim
  14. damages
  15. damnum fatale
  16. dangerous cargo
  17. dangerous drugs clause
  18. dangerous goods
  19. DApp
  20. Dark Web
  21. Dash
  22. data analytics
  23. data discovery
  24. data extraction
  25. data ingestion
  26. data labelling
  27. data mining
  28. data scarcity
  29. date draft
  30. date of acquisition
  31. date of issue
  32. date of maturity
  33. date of payment
  34. date of record
  35. dated date
  36. dating
  37. datum level
  38. datum line cover
  39. dawn raid
  40. DAX
  41. DAX 100
  42. day book
  43. day loan
  44. day order
  45. day trade
  46. day trader
  47. daylight saving time
  48. daylight trade
  49. days of grace
  50. days payable
  51. days purchases in accounts payable
  52. days receivable
  53. days to sell inventory
  54. DDP
  55. DDU
  56. de die in diem
  57. de facto
  58. de fide
  59. de jure
  60. de novo
  61. dead freight
  62. dead time
  63. deadhead
  64. deadline
  65. deadweight
  66. deadweight cargo
  67. deadweight carrying capacity
  68. deadweight debt
  69. deadweight tonnage
  70. deal
  71. deal flow
  72. deal stock
  73. dealer
  74. dealer bank
  75. dealer loan
  76. dealer market
  77. dealer paper
  78. dealer spread
  79. dealing
  80. dealing day
  81. dear money
  82. death
  83. death benefit
  84. death in service benefits
  85. death play
  86. death rate
  87. death tax
  88. debasement
  89. debenture
  90. debenture capital
  91. debenture stock
  92. debit
  93. debit and credit conventions
  94. debit balance
  95. debit card
  96. debit memorandum
  97. debit note
  98. debit note only
  99. debit spread
  100. debit-balance theory
  101. debris removal clause
  102. debt
  103. debt burden
  104. debt capital
  105. debt ceiling
  106. debt consolidation
  107. debt coverage ratio
  108. debt default
  109. debt financing
  110. debt instrument
  111. debt limit
  112. debt management
  113. debt management ratio
  114. debt market
  115. debt ratio
  116. debt restructuring
  117. debt retirement
  118. debt security
  119. debt service
  120. debt service fund
  121. debt service ratio (DSR)
  122. debt shelf
  123. debt warrant
  124. debt-based asset
  125. debt-based recourse debt instrument
  126. debt-equity ratio
  127. debt-equity swap
  128. debtor
  129. debtor nation
  130. debt-to-equity ratio
  131. debt-to-net worth ratio
  132. decennial liability insurance
  133. decentralization
  134. decentralized application (DApp)
  135. decentralized exchange (DEX)
  136. decentralized finance (DeFi)
  137. deceptive advertising
  138. deceptive packaging
  139. decile
  140. decile rank
  141. decimal change
  142. decision
  143. decision making model
  144. decision matrix
  145. decision model
  146. decision package
  147. decision rule
  148. decision support system
  149. decision table
  150. decision theory
  151. decision tree
  152. decisional roles
  153. decision-making conditions
  154. decision-making criteria
  155. decision-making under certainty
  156. decision-making under risk
  157. decision-making under uncertainty
  158. deck cargo
  159. deck log
  160. declaration
  161. declaration date
  162. declaration of insolvency
  163. declaration of trust
  164. declared dividend
  165. declared value
  166. declared value for carriage
  167. declared value for customs
  168. declared value for insurance
  169. decline
  170. decline indexes
  171. decline list
  172. declining balance method of depreciation
  173. decreasing returns
  174. decreasing term life insurance
  175. decree
  176. decree of distribution
  177. decree of insolvency
  178. decremental cost
  179. dedication
  180. deductible
  181. deduction
  182. deductive method
  183. deductive value
  184. deed
  185. deed of release
  186. deed of surrender
  187. deed of trust
  188. deed poll
  189. deep learning
  190. deep market
  191. deep tank
  192. deep web
  193. deep-discount bond
  194. deep-in-the-money call
  195. deep-in-the-money put
  196. deep-out-of-the-money call
  197. deep-out-of-the-money put
  198. defalcation
  199. defamation insurance
  200. default
  201. default choices
  202. default risk
  203. defeasance
  204. defect
  205. defective title
  206. defendant
  207. defendant bond
  208. defense and demurrage associations
  209. defensive acquisition
  210. defensive interval ratio
  211. defensive investment strategy
  212. defensive security
  213. defensive stock
  214. defer
  215. deferment period
  216. deferred account
  217. deferred annuity
  218. deferred annuity contract
  219. deferred billing
  220. deferred call period
  221. deferred charges
  222. deferred compensation
  223. deferred credit
  224. deferred dividend
  225. deferred gross profit
  226. deferred income
  227. deferred income tax
  228. deferred interest bond
  229. deferred invoicing
  230. deferred liability
  231. deferred month
  232. deferred payment
  233. deferred payment annuity
  234. deferred payment letter of credit
  235. deferred payment option
  236. deferred payout option
  237. deferred period
  238. deferred rebate
  239. deferred retirement
  240. deferred revenue
  241. deferred sales charge
  242. deferred share
  243. deficiency
  244. deficit
  245. deficit financing
  246. deficit net worth
  247. deficit spending
  248. deflation
  249. deflationary gap
  250. deflator
  251. defraud
  252. defunct company
  253. deindustrialization
  254. del credere
  255. delay exclusion
  256. delayed completion coverage
  257. delayed convertible
  258. delayed payment clause
  259. delayed settlement
  260. delegate
  261. delegation of authority
  262. delinquency
  263. delinquent tax
  264. delist a security
  265. deliverables
  266. delivered at frontier (... named place)
  267. delivered duty paid (...named place of destination)
  268. delivered duty unpaid (... named place of destination)
  269. delivered ex quay (duty paid) (... named port of destination)
  270. delivered ex ship (...named port of destination)
  271. delivering short
  272. delivery
  273. delivery against cost
  274. delivery basis of accounting
  275. delivery date
  276. delivery guarantee cover
  277. delivery month
  278. delivery notice
  279. delivery order
  280. delivery point
  281. delivery price
  282. delivery trip
  283. delivery versus payment
  284. delta
  285. delta hedging
  286. delta stocks
  287. demand
  288. demand account
  289. demand curve
  290. demand deposit
  291. demand draft
  292. demand elasticity
  293. demand function
  294. demand inflation
  295. demand loan
  296. demand note
  297. demand price
  298. demand schedule
  299. demand shock
  300. demand-pull inflation
  301. demarketing
  302. demerged entity
  303. demerger
  304. demise charter party
  305. demised premises
  306. demography
  307. demolition value
  308. demonetization
  309. demurrage
  310. demurrer
  311. demutualization
  312. denationalization
  313. denaturalization
  314. denial of access
  315. denomination
  316. density
  317. density of population
  318. department
  319. department store
  320. departmentalization
  321. dependent
  322. dependent variable
  323. depletable resources
  324. depletion
  325. deposit
  326. deposit administration
  327. deposit premium
  328. deposit receipt
  329. deposit society
  330. deposit taking financial institution
  331. deposition
  332. depositor
  333. depository bank
  334. depository trust company
  335. deposits in transit
  336. depreciable assets
  337. depreciable cost
  338. depreciable life
  339. depreciable real estate
  340. depreciated cost
  341. depreciated value
  342. depreciation
  343. depreciation accounting
  344. depreciation allowance
  345. depreciation base
  346. depreciation methods
  347. depreciation of assets
  348. depreciation reserve
  349. depreciation schedule
  350. depressed market
  351. depressed price
  352. depression
  353. depth of market
  354. DEQ
  355. deregulation
  356. derivative
  357. derivative instrument
  358. derivative security
  359. derived demand
  360. derrick
  361. DES
  362. descendant
  363. descending bottoms
  364. descending tops
  365. descending triangle
  366. descriptive economics
  367. descriptive statistics
  368. design capacity
  369. designated categories of offences
  370. designated market maker
  371. designated non-financial businesses and professions
  372. Designated Order Turnaround (DOT)
  373. desk research
  374. destination
  375. destination port
  376. destructive inflation
  377. detachable stock warrant
  378. detailed audit
  379. detention
  380. detention charges
  381. deterioration
  382. deterministic model
  383. Deutscher Aktien Index (DAX)
  384. Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX)
  385. devaluation
  386. devanning
  387. developed country
  388. developing country
  389. development
  390. development economics
  391. development statistics
  392. development strategy
  393. DEX
  394. Dhiba Port
  395. diagonal expansion
  396. diagonal spread
  397. diamond investment trust
  398. diamonds
  399. difference insurance
  400. differential
  401. differential advantage
  402. differential analysis
  403. differential cost
  404. differential export tax
  405. differential revenue
  406. digested securities portfolio
  407. digital asset
  408. digital banking
  409. digital cash
  410. digital currency
  411. digital immigrants
  412. digital ledger technology
  413. digital marketing
  414. digital money
  415. digital natives
  416. digital signature
  417. digital wallet
  418. Dillon Round
  419. diluted earnings per share
  420. dilution
  421. dilution of ownership
  422. dilutive
  423. dilutive securities
  424. dimensional weight
  425. diminishing balance method
  426. diminishing marginal utility
  427. diminishing musharaka
  428. diminishing returns
  429. dip
  430. diplomatic agent
  431. diplomatic immunity
  432. direct allocation method
  433. direct business
  434. direct cost
  435. direct costing
  436. direct damages
  437. direct debit
  438. direct deposit system
  439. direct elections
  440. direct exchange rate
  441. direct financing
  442. direct financing lease
  443. direct insurance
  444. direct intercompany indebtedness
  445. direct investment
  446. direct issuer
  447. direct labor
  448. direct labor budget
  449. direct listing
  450. direct marketing
  451. direct materials
  452. direct materials budget
  453. direct method
  454. direct offset
  455. direct paper
  456. direct placement
  457. direct profit
  458. direct public offering
  459. direct purchase
  460. direct sends
  461. direct stock purchase
  462. direct tax
  463. direct write-off method
  464. direct writing
  465. directed sale
  466. directive
  467. director
  468. directorate
  469. directors' report
  470. directory advertising
  471. dirty bill of lading
  472. dirty float
  473. dirty money
  474. dirty stock
  475. disability
  476. disability benefit
  477. disability clause
  478. disability percentage table
  479. disablement benefit
  480. disaster recovery
  481. disbursement
  482. disbursing agent
  483. discharge
  484. discharge in bankruptcy
  485. discharge of lien
  486. discharged bankrupt
  487. discharged from liability
  488. disciplinary action
  489. disciplinary hearing
  490. disciplinary layoff
  491. disclaimer
  492. disclaimer of opinion
  493. disclosure
  494. disclosure order
  495. discontinuing easement
  496. discount
  497. discount accrual
  498. discount bond
  499. discount broker
  500. discount earned
  501. discount loan
  502. discount lost
  503. discount period
  504. discount rate
  505. discount store
  506. discount window
  507. discount yield
  508. discounted bonus
  509. discounted bonus policy
  510. discounted cash flow analysis
  511. discounted payback period
  512. discounted present value
  513. discounting
  514. discounting notes receivable
  515. discovery
  516. discovery period
  517. discovery sampling
  518. discovery value accounting
  519. discrepancy
  520. discrete probability distribution
  521. discrete random variable
  522. discretion
  523. discretionary account
  524. discretionary cost
  525. discretionary fixed costs
  526. discretionary immunity
  527. discretionary income
  528. discretionary order
  529. discretionary policy
  530. discretionary portfolio management (DPM)
  531. discretionary spending
  532. discriminating customs duty
  533. discriminating duty
  534. discriminating monopoly
  535. discriminating prices
  536. discrimination
  537. diseconomies
  538. diseconomies of scale
  539. disequilibrium
  540. disguised unemployment
  541. dishoarding
  542. dishonor
  543. disinflation
  544. disinflation stock
  545. disintermediation
  546. disinvestment
  547. disjoint events
  548. dismiss
  549. dismissal
  550. dispatch
  551. dispatcher
  552. dispersion measures
  553. displaced commercial risk
  554. displacement analysis
  555. disposable income
  556. disposal date
  557. dispute settlement
  558. disruptive technology
  559. dissaving
  560. dissident director
  561. dissident shareholders
  562. dissolution
  563. distrain
  564. distress
  565. distress for rent
  566. distress freight
  567. distress merchandise
  568. distress price
  569. distress sale
  570. distressed assets
  571. distressed goods
  572. distressed inventory
  573. distributed bank scenario
  574. distributed ledger technology (DLT)
  575. distributing syndicate
  576. distributing syndicate
  577. distribution
  578. distribution area
  579. distribution capability
  580. distribution date
  581. distribution network
  582. distribution period
  583. distribution stock
  584. distribution theory
  585. distribution to owners
  586. distribution unit
  587. distribution waterfall
  588. distributive efficiency
  589. distributor
  590. disturbance term
  591. disutility
  592. divergence
  593. diversifiable risk
  594. diversification
  595. diversified company
  596. diversified investment company
  597. diversified management company
  598. diversionary dumping
  599. divestiture
  600. divided cover
  601. dividend
  602. dividend account
  603. dividend capture
  604. dividend clawback
  605. dividend coverage
  606. dividend discount model
  607. dividend exclusion
  608. dividend in arrears
  609. dividend in kind
  610. dividend payable
  611. dividend payout ratio
  612. dividend rate
  613. dividend reinvestment plan
  614. dividend reinvestment program
  615. dividend requirement
  616. dividend rollover plan
  617. dividend yield
  618. division
  619. division of labor
  620. divisionalization
  621. DJIA
  622. do not increase
  623. do not reduce
  624. dock
  625. dock dues
  626. dock work
  627. dockage
  628. dockside crane
  629. documentary bill of exchange
  630. documentary collection
  631. documentary credit
  632. documentary draft
  633. documentary evidence
  634. documentary instructions
  635. documentary letter of credit
  636. documentation
  637. documents against collection (D/A)
  638. documents against payment (D/P)
  639. documents of title
  640. dollar bond
  641. dollar cost averaging
  642. dollar drain
  643. dollar price
  644. dollar shortage
  645. dollar-value LIFO
  646. domain name speculation
  647. domestic bank
  648. domestic bond
  649. domestic corporation
  650. domestic debt security
  651. domestic subsidy
  652. domestic system
  653. domestic transfer
  654. domestic value
  655. domicile
  656. don’t fight the tape
  657. donated capital
  658. donated stock
  659. donated surplus
  660. donee
  661. donor
  662. donor policy
  663. donor-advised fund
  664. donum
  665. dormant account
  666. dormant partner
  667. DOT
  668. double auction system
  669. double bottom
  670. double budget system
  671. double coincidence of wants
  672. double damages
  673. double declining balance method
  674. double endowment assurance
  675. double entry bookkeeping
  676. double frequency table
  677. double hedging
  678. double indemnity
  679. double insurance
  680. double net lease
  681. double option
  682. double spending
  683. double taxation
  684. double time
  685. double top
  686. double witching day
  687. double witching hour
  688. double-barreled bond issue
  689. double-column tariff
  690. double-digit inflation
  691. double-entry accounting
  692. double-protection policy
  693. double-up strategy
  694. doubling
  695. doubtful accounts receivable
  696. dove
  697. dovish
  698. DOW
  699. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  700. Dow Jones Averages
  701. Dow Jones Composite Index
  702. Dow Jones Equity Market Index
  703. Dow Jones Industrial Average
  704. Dow Jones Transportation Average
  705. Dow Jones Utility Average
  706. Dow Jones World Stock Index
  707. Dow Theory
  708. down payment
  709. downside risk
  710. downsizing
  711. downstream
  712. downstream dumping
  713. downstream guarantee
  714. downstream industries
  715. downstream merger
  716. downstream sales
  717. downtime
  718. downtrend
  719. downturn
  720. draft
  721. draining reserves
  722. draught
  723. draught marks
  724. draw
  725. drawback
  726. drawee
  727. drawer
  728. drawing account
  729. drawn securities
  730. drayage
  731. dread disease insurance
  732. dreading cargo
  733. dredger
  734. dredger clauses
  735. dredging
  736. drencher
  737. drill ship
  738. drive to maturity
  739. drive-in claims service
  740. driverless vehicle
  741. drop shipment
  742. drop shipping
  743. droplock security
  744. dry bulk
  745. dry dock
  746. dry docking expenses
  747. dry goods
  748. dry port
  749. dry trust
  750. DSS
  751. Du Pont Formula
  752. dual agency
  753. dual coupon bond
  754. dual currency bond
  755. dual exchange rate
  756. dual life insurance
  757. dual listing
  758. dual pricing
  759. dual purpose fund
  760. dual syndication
  761. dual trading
  762. dual-system theory
  763. due care
  764. due date
  765. due diligence
  766. due-on-sale clause
  767. dummy stockholder
  768. dummy variable
  769. dumping
  770. dumping margin
  771. dunnage
  772. duopoly
  773. duopsony
  774. duplicate policy
  775. durable goods
  776. durable power of attorney
  777. duration certificate
  778. Dutch auction
  779. Dutch auction preferred stock
  780. duty
  781. duty drawback
  782. duty free zone
  783. duty paid value