Terms Beginning With "m"

  1. M1
  2. M2
  3. M3
  4. machine learning (ML)
  5. machine-to-machine (M2M) payments
  6. macro
  7. macro accounting
  8. macro environment
  9. macroeconomic information
  10. macroeconomics
  11. Madrid Interbank Offered Rate
  12. magna culpa
  13. magna negligentia
  14. magnetic tape
  15. mail fraud
  16. mail order firm
  17. mailing list
  18. main street
  19. maintenance
  20. maintenance bond
  21. maintenance call
  22. maintenance fee
  23. maintenance margin requirement
  24. major bracket firms
  25. major medical insurance
  26. majority
  27. majority interest
  28. majority shareholders
  29. majority stockholders
  30. majority voting
  31. make a market
  32. make a price
  33. maker
  34. maker-taker model
  35. mala fides
  36. mala in se
  37. mala praxis
  38. mala prohibita
  39. Malaccamax ship
  40. malfeasance
  41. malicious acts clause
  42. malicious damage
  43. malicious mischief
  44. malingerer
  45. malingering
  46. mall
  47. malo animo
  48. malo grato
  49. malpractice
  50. malpractice insurance
  51. Malthusian Theory of Population
  52. malus
  53. managed account
  54. managed care
  55. managed cost
  56. managed currency system
  57. managed economy
  58. managed fund
  59. managed trade
  60. management
  61. management accounting
  62. management advisor
  63. management agreement
  64. management audit
  65. management buy in
  66. management buyout
  67. management by crisis
  68. management by exception
  69. management by objectives
  70. management by walking around (MBWA)
  71. management company
  72. management consultant
  73. management consulting
  74. management control system
  75. management cycle
  76. management fee
  77. management fixed costs
  78. management functions
  79. management game
  80. management guide
  81. management information system
  82. management ratio
  83. management review
  84. management roles
  85. management science
  86. management science theory
  87. management skills
  88. management styles
  89. manager
  90. managerial accounting
  91. managerial economics
  92. managing by numbers
  93. managing owner
  94. managing underwriter
  95. mandamus
  96. mandate
  97. mandated lead arranger
  98. mandatory copy
  99. mandatory retirement
  100. mandatory spending
  101. man-days
  102. man-hours
  103. manifest
  104. manipulation
  105. manpower
  106. manu brevi
  107. manu longa
  108. manual
  109. manual rate
  110. manufacture
  111. manufactured housing
  112. manufacturer
  113. manufacturing costs
  114. manufacturing expenses
  115. manufacturing industry
  116. manufacturing order
  117. manufacturing overhead
  118. mare and foal policy
  119. margin
  120. margin account
  121. margin agreement
  122. margin buying
  123. margin call
  124. margin department
  125. margin loan
  126. margin of preference
  127. margin of profit
  128. margin of safety
  129. margin of solvency
  130. margin rate
  131. margin requirement
  132. margin stock
  133. margin trading
  134. margin transaction
  135. marginable stock
  136. marginal analysis
  137. marginal change
  138. marginal cost (MC)
  139. marginal cost curve
  140. marginal cost of capital
  141. marginal cost pricing
  142. marginal efficiency of capital
  143. marginal income
  144. marginal physical product (MPP)
  145. marginal producer
  146. marginal product (MP)
  147. marginal productivity of capital
  148. marginal profit
  149. marginal propensity to consume
  150. marginal propensity to import
  151. marginal propensity to invest
  152. marginal propensity to save
  153. marginal property
  154. marginal rate of substitution
  155. marginal rate of technical substitution
  156. marginal resource cost (MRC)
  157. marginal retailer
  158. marginal revenue
  159. marginal revenue product
  160. marginal social product
  161. marginal tax rate
  162. marginal utility
  163. marginal utility of money
  164. marginal value product
  165. marginal wholesaler
  166. marine hull insurance
  167. marine insurance
  168. marine market
  169. marine perils
  170. marine policy
  171. marine surveyor
  172. marine underwriter
  173. marital status
  174. maritime law
  175. maritime perils
  176. mark down
  177. mark to market (MTM)
  178. market
  179. market access
  180. market analysis
  181. market anomaly
  182. market area
  183. market averages
  184. market basket
  185. market bottom
  186. market breadth
  187. market break
  188. market capitalization
  189. market clearing equilibrium rate
  190. market clearing wage rate
  191. market close state
  192. market correction
  193. market demand
  194. market economy
  195. market efficiency
  196. market equilibrium
  197. market extension merger
  198. market forces
  199. market indices
  200. market letter
  201. market maker
  202. market maker spread
  203. market multiple
  204. market on open order
  205. market order
  206. market penetration
  207. market price
  208. market risk
  209. market seeking
  210. market segmentation
  211. market sentiment
  212. market share
  213. market share erosion
  214. market states
  215. market structure
  216. market supply
  217. market surveillance
  218. market timer
  219. market timing
  220. market top
  221. market value
  222. market value method
  223. market value weighted index
  224. market volatility
  225. marketability
  226. marketability risk
  227. marketability study
  228. marketable securities
  229. marketable title
  230. market-if-touched order
  231. marketing
  232. marketing cost center
  233. marketing information system
  234. marketing intermediaries
  235. marketing mix
  236. marketing plan
  237. marketing research
  238. marketing strategy
  239. market-not-held order
  240. market-on-close order
  241. market-out clause
  242. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
  243. markup
  244. MARPOL Convention
  245. Marrakesh Agreement
  246. marshaling yard
  247. Marshall Plan
  248. martial law
  249. Marxian unemployment
  250. Marxism
  251. mass production
  252. master budget
  253. master cover
  254. master lease
  255. master netting agreement
  256. master policy
  257. match order
  258. matched samples
  259. matching
  260. matching concept
  261. matching principle of accounting
  262. mate’s receipt
  263. material
  264. material bond
  265. material facts
  266. material information
  267. material mix variance
  268. material news
  269. material property
  270. material quantity variance
  271. material representation
  272. material requirements planning
  273. material safety data sheet (MSDS)
  274. materials management
  275. mathematical economics
  276. mathematical reserve
  277. Mathematical School
  278. matrix
  279. matrix departmentalization
  280. matrix trading
  281. mature economy
  282. mature industry
  283. mature market
  284. maturity
  285. maturity amount
  286. maturity bonus
  287. maturity date
  288. maturity guarantee
  289. maturity matching
  290. maturity mix
  291. maturity stage
  292. maturity structure
  293. maturity swap
  294. maturity value
  295. mawkuf
  296. mawquf
  297. maximax
  298. maximize
  299. maximum capacity
  300. maximum capital gains fund
  301. maximum possible loss
  302. maximum practical capacity
  303. maximum probable loss
  304. MBO
  305. m-commerce
  306. MDB
  307. mean
  308. mean return
  309. measured mineral resources
  310. measures of dispersion
  311. mechanization
  312. media buyer
  313. media plan
  314. median
  315. median class
  316. mediation
  317. medical insurance
  318. medium and large enterprises
  319. medium of exchange
  320. medium term bond
  321. medium-dated gilts
  322. mediums
  323. member charge
  324. membership seat
  325. memorandum of association
  326. memorandum of understanding (MoU)
  327. memory card
  328. mempool
  329. MENA
  331. mens rea
  332. mercantile law
  333. mercantilism
  334. merchandise
  335. merchandise inventory
  336. merchandising
  337. merchant
  338. merchant account
  339. merchant bank
  340. Merchant Shipping Act
  341. merger
  342. merger accounting method
  343. merit goods
  344. merit increase
  345. merit pay
  346. merit raise
  347. merit rating
  348. message digest function
  349. meta data
  350. metal silo
  351. metric system
  352. metric ton
  353. metrication
  354. mezzanine debt
  355. mezzanine financing
  356. mezzanine level
  357. MFN
  358. MIBOR
  359. micro
  360. micro accounting
  361. microeconomics
  362. Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
  363. Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF)
  364. middle management
  365. middle market
  366. middle office
  367. middling Brexit
  368. MiFID
  369. MIGA
  370. mineral fiber silo
  371. mineralization
  372. minimum capital requirement
  373. minimum required rate of return
  374. minimum wage
  375. mining
  376. minor
  377. minority interest
  378. minority ownership
  379. Minsky moment
  380. minutes
  381. minutes of meeting
  382. MIS
  383. miscellaneous expenses
  384. misery index
  385. misfeasance
  386. mismanagement
  387. mismatching
  388. misstatement of age
  389. MIT order
  390. mixed costs
  391. mixed economy
  392. mixed insurance company
  393. mixed learning
  394. mixed perils
  395. mixed policy
  396. mixed waqf
  397. MJSD option cycle
  398. MJSD options cycle
  399. MLEs
  400. MLRO
  401. moat
  402. mobile banking
  403. mobile commerce
  404. mobile homes
  405. mobile money
  406. mobile wallet
  407. mobility of labor
  408. mobilization period
  409. MOC order
  410. modal class
  411. mode
  412. model
  413. modern portfolio theory
  414. modified book value
  415. modified cash basis of accounting
  416. mogul
  417. mole
  418. monarchy
  419. Monday effect
  420. Monero
  421. monetarism
  422. monetary base
  423. monetary center bank
  424. monetary financial institutions
  425. monetary instrument
  426. monetary policy
  427. monetary unit of measurement assumption
  428. money
  429. money at call and short notice
  430. money fund
  431. money illusion
  432. money in circulation
  433. money income
  434. money investment
  435. money laundering
  436. money laundering compliance program
  437. money laundering reporting officer (MLRO)
  438. money manager
  439. money market
  440. money market accounts
  441. money market deposit accounts
  442. money market fund
  443. money market hedge
  444. money market instruments
  445. money market transactions
  446. money purchases scheme
  447. money supply
  448. money with zero maturity (MZM)
  449. money-in-transit policy
  450. monometallism
  451. monopolistic competition
  452. monopoly
  453. monopsony
  454. month order
  455. moon pool
  456. moorage
  457. mooring
  458. moral hazard
  459. morbidity
  460. morbidity table
  461. Morgan Stanley Capital International Emerging Markets Index
  462. morning loan
  463. mortality rate
  464. mortality table
  465. mortgage
  466. mortgage assumption
  467. mortgage bank
  468. mortgage bond
  469. mortgage clause
  470. mortgage company
  471. mortgage constant
  472. mortgage debt
  473. mortgage discount
  474. mortgage guarantee
  475. mortgage insurance
  476. mortgage lien
  477. mortgage life insurance
  478. mortgage loan
  479. mortgage principal
  480. mortgage protection policy
  481. mortgage risk
  482. mortgage servicing
  483. mortgage-backed certificate
  484. mortgage-backed security
  485. mortgagee
  486. mortgagor
  487. most distant month
  488. most favored nation
  489. moth damage
  490. motivational research
  491. motor insurance
  492. motorcycles insurance
  493. movable property
  494. moving average
  495. moving average inventory method
  496. mudaraba (trust financing)
  497. multibank holding company
  498. multicolinearity
  499. multi-currency clause
  500. multilateral agreement
  501. multilateral development bank (MDB)
  502. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  503. multilateral netting agreement
  504. multilateral trade
  505. multilateralism
  506. multi-manager
  507. multinational company
  508. multiple correlation
  509. multiple demand
  510. multiple regression model
  511. multiple values
  512. multiplication law
  513. multiplier
  514. municipal bond
  515. municipal bond fund
  516. municipal bond insurance
  517. municipal note
  518. municipal revenue bond
  519. municipality
  520. murabaha (cost-plus financing)
  521. murabaha for the purchase orderer (murabaha lil amir bishira)
  522. musharaka (partnership financing)
  523. Muslim World League
  524. mutatis mutandis
  525. mutual company
  526. mutual fund
  527. mutual fund custodian
  528. mutual insurance
  529. mutual savings banks
  530. mutual will
  531. mutually exclusive
  532. mutually exclusive events
  533. MZM