Terms Beginning With "l"

  1. L
  2. labor (labour)
  3. labor agreement
  4. labor and materials bond
  5. labor burden
  6. labor costs
  7. labor court
  8. labor dispute
  9. labor efficiency variance
  10. labor federation
  11. labor force
  12. labor intensive
  13. labor market
  14. labor mix variance
  15. labor mobility
  16. labor piracy
  17. labor relations
  18. labor turnover
  19. labor union
  20. labor-market policies
  21. ladder strategy
  22. laddering
  23. laden in bulk
  24. laden loadline
  25. lading
  26. Laffer curve
  27. LAFTA
  28. lagen
  29. laggard stock
  30. lagging indicators
  31. LAIA
  32. laissez-faire leadership
  33. laissez-faire system
  34. land
  35. land and expand strategy
  36. land bank
  37. land banking
  38. land bridge
  39. land contract
  40. land development
  41. land lease
  42. land risks
  43. land slide
  44. landed weight
  45. landing account
  46. landing book
  47. landing charges
  48. landing notice
  49. landing order
  50. landing weight
  51. landlocked
  52. landlord
  53. lapping
  54. lapsation profit
  55. lapse
  56. lapsed option
  57. lapsing schedule
  58. larceny
  59. lash
  60. Laspeyres' index
  61. last sale
  62. last survivor annuity
  63. last survivor insurance
  64. last trading day
  65. last-in, first-out
  66. latent defect
  67. latent defect clause
  68. lateral integration
  69. lateral mobility
  70. Latin American Free Trade Association
  71. Latin American Integration Association
  72. Latin American Reserve Fund
  73. launch
  74. laundering money
  75. law
  76. law day
  77. law of comparative cost
  78. law of diminishing returns
  79. law of equi-marginal returns
  80. law of increasing costs
  81. law of increasing returns
  82. law of indifference curve
  83. law of large numbers
  84. law of mortality
  85. law of one price
  86. law of reciprocal demand
  87. law of substitution
  88. law of supply and demand
  89. lawful adventure
  90. lawful merchandise
  91. lawful money
  92. lawyers professional liability insurance
  93. lay barge
  94. layering
  95. lay-off
  96. LCL
  97. LDCs
  98. lead
  99. lead bank
  100. lead insurer
  101. lead lender
  102. lead manager
  103. lead rating analyst
  104. lead time
  105. lead underwriter
  106. leader
  107. leadership
  108. leading indicators
  109. League of Arab States
  110. league table
  111. learning curve
  112. lease
  113. lease contract
  114. lease purchase agreement
  115. lease with a premium
  116. lease with option to purchase
  117. leaseback
  118. leasehold
  119. leasehold improvements
  120. leasing (ijara)
  121. leasing purchase (ijara wa iqtina)
  122. least developed countries
  123. least effort principle
  124. least squares method
  125. least squares regression
  126. leave of absence
  127. ledger
  128. legacy
  129. legal advisor
  130. legal age
  131. legal and non-compliance risk
  132. legal assets
  133. legal capital
  134. legal entity
  135. legal lending limit
  136. legal liability
  137. legal list
  138. legal monopoly
  139. legal notice
  140. legal reserve
  141. legal risk
  142. legal tender
  143. legatee
  144. legislative decree
  145. legislative immunity
  146. legislative risk
  147. lemon
  148. lemon problem
  149. lend
  150. lender
  151. lender of last resort
  152. lender of money
  153. lending limit
  154. lending securities
  155. length overall
  156. LESOP
  157. less developed countries
  158. less than car load
  159. less than container load
  160. less than load (LTL) shipments
  161. less than truckload
  162. lessee
  163. lessee member
  164. lessor
  165. letter bond
  166. letter of credit
  167. letter of credit commercial paper
  168. letter of guarantee
  169. letter of hypothecation
  170. letter of indemnity
  171. letter of intent
  172. letter security
  173. letter stock
  174. lettered rules
  175. letters of administration
  176. level commission
  177. level load
  178. level of trade adjustment
  179. level premium insurance
  180. level premiums
  181. level term insurance
  182. levelized cost of energy
  183. leverage
  184. leverage down
  185. leverage ratio
  186. leverage up
  187. leveraged buyout
  188. leveraged company
  189. leveraged employee stock ownership plan
  190. leveraged investment company
  191. leveraged lease
  192. leveraged stock
  193. levered beta
  194. levy
  195. liabilities
  196. liability
  197. liability dividend
  198. liability insurance
  199. liability limits
  200. liability swap
  201. libel
  202. liberalization of trade
  203. LIBID
  204. LIBOR
  205. license
  206. licensed exchange
  207. licensee
  208. licensor
  209. lien
  210. lienee
  211. lienholder
  212. lienor
  213. life annuity
  214. life annuity certain
  215. life annuity due
  216. life assurance
  217. life assured
  218. life contingency
  219. life cycle
  220. life cycle hypothesis
  221. life expectancy
  222. life insurance
  223. life insurance agent
  224. life insurance trust
  225. life of loan cap
  226. life reinsurance
  227. life salvage
  228. life table
  229. life tenant
  230. life underwriter
  231. lifetime cap
  232. LIFFE
  233. LIFO
  234. lift insurance
  235. lift on-lift off
  236. light cargo
  237. light displacement tonnage
  238. light draught
  239. light dues
  240. light loadline
  241. light node
  242. lightening a ship
  243. lighter
  244. lighter aboard ship (LASH)
  245. lighterage
  246. lightning network
  247. limber hole
  248. LIMEAN
  249. limit
  250. limit any one vessel
  251. limit down
  252. limit move
  253. limit of indemnity
  254. limit order
  255. limit order information system
  256. limit price
  257. limit up
  258. limitation
  259. limitation of liability
  260. limited (ltd.)
  261. limited conditions
  262. limited discretionary order
  263. limited liability company
  264. limited offer
  265. limited partnership
  266. limited payment life insurance
  267. limited policy
  268. limited risk
  269. limited tender
  270. limited terms
  271. limited warranty
  272. limit-if-touched order
  273. limit-on-close order
  274. line
  275. line chart
  276. line haul
  277. line of credit
  278. line production
  279. lineal descendant
  280. linear correlation
  281. linear programming
  282. linear reduction of tariffs
  283. linear regression
  284. liner
  285. liner terms
  286. liquefied natural gas carrier
  287. liquefied petroleum gas carrier
  288. liquid
  289. liquid alternatives
  290. liquid assets
  291. liquid bulk
  292. liquid certificate of deposit
  293. liquid market
  294. liquidate
  295. liquidate a position
  296. liquidated damages
  297. liquidating dividend
  298. liquidating value
  299. liquidation
  300. liquidation analysis
  301. liquidator’s bond
  302. liquidity
  303. liquidity diversification
  304. liquidity preference
  305. liquidity ratio
  306. liquidity risk
  307. liquidity trap
  308. list
  309. list a security
  310. list price
  311. listed company
  312. listed option
  313. listed REIT
  314. listed security
  315. listing requirements
  316. listing rules
  317. Lite coin
  318. litigant
  319. litigate
  320. litigation cost and expenses
  321. litre
  322. little board
  323. livestock
  324. livestock clauses
  325. livestock insurance
  326. living allowance
  327. LLC
  328. Lloyd’s
  329. Lloyd’s Advisory and Legislation Department
  330. Lloyd’s Agency Department
  331. Lloyd’s Agents
  332. Lloyd’s Arbitration Agreement
  333. Lloyd’s Aviation Claims Center
  334. Lloyd’s Broker
  335. Lloyd’s Certificate
  336. Lloyd’s Common Market Secretariat
  337. Lloyd’s Insurance Brokers’ Association
  338. Lloyd’s Intelligence Department
  339. Lloyd’s Law Reports
  340. Lloyd’s Survey Handbook
  341. Lloyd’s Underwriter
  342. Lloyd’s Underwriters Claims Office
  343. Lloyd’s Underwriting Agent
  344. Lloyd’s Underwriting Association
  345. Lloyd's (of London)
  346. Lloyd's Register
  347. Lloyd's Register of shipping
  348. LO/LO
  349. load
  350. load and count
  351. load displacement
  352. load factor
  353. load fund
  354. load lines
  355. load spread option
  356. loading
  357. loading of rate
  358. loading profit
  359. loan
  360. loan amortization
  361. loan back method of money laundering
  362. loan commitment letter
  363. loan guarantee scheme
  364. loan participation
  365. loan portfolio
  366. loan stock
  367. loanable funds
  368. loanable funds theory
  369. loaned flat
  370. loan-to-value
  371. LOC paper
  372. local bank
  373. local currency
  374. local incoming clean collection
  375. local outgoing documentary collection
  376. location clause
  377. location theory
  378. lockbox
  379. locked market
  380. locked-in return
  381. lock-up option
  382. logistics
  383. logistics channel
  384. logistics management
  385. logistics support
  386. London Commodity Exchange
  387. London Interbank Bid Rate (LIBID)
  388. London Interbank Mean Rate (LIMEAN)
  389. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
  390. London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)
  391. London Metal Exchange
  392. London Stock Exchange
  393. London Traded Option Market
  394. long
  395. long bond
  396. long coupon
  397. long end of yield curve
  398. long hedge
  399. long position
  400. long straddle
  401. long term
  402. long term insurance policy
  403. long ton
  404. long-dated gilts
  405. long-form report
  406. long-lived assets
  407. long-run
  408. long-run average cost
  409. longs
  410. longshoreman
  411. long-term assets
  412. long-term bond
  413. long-term cost curves
  414. long-term debt
  415. long-term financing
  416. long-term holding period
  417. long-term investments
  418. long-term liabilities
  419. Long-Term Refinancing Operation
  420. long-wave cycle
  421. lookback call option
  422. lookback put option
  423. loophole
  424. loose-rein management method
  425. loss
  426. loss adjustor
  427. loss assumption clause
  428. loss aversion
  429. loss carryback
  430. loss carryforward
  431. loss contingency
  432. loss during discharge
  433. loss event
  434. loss expectancy
  435. loss loading
  436. loss of profit insurance
  437. loss of specie
  438. loss of time
  439. loss of use insurance
  440. loss overboard
  441. loss payee clause
  442. loss portfolio
  443. loss portfolio reinsurance
  444. loss prevention
  445. loss ratio
  446. low
  447. low grade
  448. low start endowment assurance
  449. low-balance method
  450. lowball
  451. lower limit
  452. lower of cost or market
  453. lower quartile
  454. low-load fund
  455. loyalty discount
  456. loyalty rebate
  457. LP
  458. LTL
  459. LTRO
  460. LTV
  461. lump-sum
  462. lump-sum purchase
  463. lump-sum refund annuity
  464. lunch interview
  465. Luxembourg Interbank Offered Rate
  466. LUXIBOR
  467. luxury goods
  468. luxury tax