Terms Beginning With "h"

  1. habeas corpus
  2. haggle
  3. hail storm insurance
  4. haircut
  5. half
  6. half life
  7. half-stock
  8. half-year convention
  9. Halo effect
  10. halving
  11. halving agreement
  12. hamish al-jiddiyyah – security deposit
  13. hammering the market
  14. handover/takeover
  15. hands-off investor
  16. hands-on investor
  17. Handymax vessel
  18. Handysize vessel
  19. Hang Seng Index
  20. hangar keeper’s liability insurance
  21. harbor fees
  22. harbor master
  23. harbour
  24. harbour dues
  25. harbour fees
  26. hard assets
  27. hard Brexit
  28. hard commodities
  29. hard currency
  30. hard currency drain
  31. hard currency shortage
  32. hard dollars
  33. hard fork
  34. hard goods
  35. hard hat
  36. hard landing
  37. hard money
  38. hard skills
  39. hard-core unemployment
  40. hardening market
  41. hards
  42. hardship allowance
  43. hardware
  44. hardware-as-a-service (IaaS)
  45. harmful or preferential tax regimes
  46. harmonic analysis
  47. harmonic mean
  48. harmonic progression
  49. Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
  50. hash
  51. hash function
  52. hash value
  53. hashing algorithm
  54. hashtag
  55. hatch
  56. haulage
  57. hawala
  58. HAWB
  59. hawk
  60. hawkish
  61. hazard
  62. hazard insurance
  63. hazardous materials (hazmat)
  64. head and shoulders bottom
  65. head and shoulders pattern
  66. headhunter
  67. heads of terms
  68. health insurance
  69. health maintenance organization (HMO)
  70. hearing
  71. heart bonds
  72. heavy cargo
  73. heavy hauler
  74. heavy industry
  75. heavy lift
  76. heavy market
  77. hectare
  78. hedge
  79. hedge clause
  80. hedge fund
  81. hedge wrapper strategy
  82. hedging
  83. Hegira
  84. heir
  85. heir apparent
  86. heir at law
  87. heir beneficiary
  88. heir presumptive
  89. held at the opening
  90. herd immunity
  91. hereditament
  92. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
  93. heterogeneous
  94. heterogeneous equation
  95. heterogeneous oligopoly
  96. heuristic method
  97. hibah
  98. HIBOR
  99. HICP
  100. hidden agenda
  101. hidden assets
  102. hidden inflation
  103. hidden load
  104. hidden reserves
  105. hidden tax
  106. hidden unemployment
  107. hierarchy
  108. hierarchy of needs theory
  109. high
  110. high cost loan
  111. high credit
  112. high flyer stock
  113. high frequency trading (HFT)
  114. high mass consumption
  115. high net worth individual
  116. high quality liquid asset
  117. high seas
  118. high street
  119. high-grade bond
  120. high-low index
  121. high-low method
  122. high-tech stock
  123. high-yield bond
  124. high-yield savings account
  125. hi-lo index
  126. hire purchase
  127. histogram
  128. historical cost
  129. historical cost principle of accounting
  130. historical data
  131. historical school
  132. historical summary
  133. historical trading range
  134. historical yield
  135. hit and run competition
  136. hit order
  137. hit the bid
  138. HKIBOR
  139. HMO
  140. HNWI
  141. hoarding
  142. Hodrick-Prescot (HP) filter
  143. hogs head
  144. hold
  145. hold back
  146. hold harmless agreement
  147. hold harmless clause
  148. holder
  149. holder in due course
  150. holder of record
  151. holding company
  152. holding costs
  153. holding gain (loss)
  154. holding period
  155. holding period return
  156. holding period yield
  157. holding the market
  158. holdover tenant
  159. hold-up cover
  160. holographic will
  161. home office
  162. home port
  163. home supervisor
  164. homeowners association
  165. homeowners insurance policy
  166. homogeneous
  167. homogeneous equation
  168. homogeneous exposures
  169. homogeneous loans
  170. homogeneous products
  171. homogeneous risks
  172. Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate
  173. honor policy
  174. honorarium (plural: honoraria)
  175. hook damage
  176. horizon analysis
  177. horizontal acquisition
  178. horizontal analysis
  179. horizontal audit
  180. horizontal axis
  181. horizontal combination
  182. horizontal conflict
  183. horizontal diversification
  184. horizontal expansion
  185. horizontal integration
  186. horizontal market
  187. horizontal merger
  188. horizontal price movement
  189. horizontal sales
  190. horizontal spread
  191. hospitalization insurance
  192. host regulator
  193. host supervisor
  194. hostile leveraged buyout
  195. hostile takeover
  196. hot issue
  197. hot money flows
  198. house
  199. house airway bill
  200. house call
  201. house maintenance requirement
  202. house of issue
  203. house purchase insurance
  204. household
  205. household effects
  206. household goods
  207. household sector
  208. household sector consumption
  209. householder’s insurance
  210. houseowner’s insurance
  211. housing cooperative
  212. HRM
  213. hulk
  214. human capital
  215. human development index
  216. human engineering
  217. human factors engineering
  218. human resource accounting
  219. human resources
  220. human resources management
  221. hundi
  222. hurdle rate
  223. hybrid accounting methods
  224. hybrid AI
  225. hybrid annuity
  226. hybrid instruments
  227. hybrid investment
  228. hybrid learning
  229. hybrid market
  230. hybrid policy
  231. hybrid security
  232. hyperinflation
  233. hypermarket
  234. hypothecation
  235. hypothecation agreement
  236. hypothesis
  237. hypothesis testing